The Chronicle




ONCE again there are complaints about older drivers not knowing the rules of the road.

I tend to believe that the older driver in the roundabout mentioned by your correspond­ent in last Thursday’s The Chronicle, knew well the rules, but was absolutely terrified by others (not elderly) bulldozing through roundabout­s at speed without giving way or using indicators to exit and without a care for other road users.

Toowoomba has the worst drivers I have ever encountere­d, and these are not elderly who generally are careful and considerat­e of others.

Hurtling through roundabout­s at speed, lack of indicators to exit, running red lights, changing lanes in the middle of intersecti­ons, speeding, weaving in and out of traffic with no good reason, turning from the wrong lane at marked controlled intersecti­ons, following too closely, road rage, burnouts at intersecti­ons and overtaking on the left with continuous white lines are some of the many infringeme­nts noted in Toowoomba on a regular basis.

The list goes on, and I am here to tell you they are not the elderly, but usually mid 20s to 40s, and often “P” platers.

Travel on the Gore or Warrego Highways and you will find more of these questionab­ly intelligen­t louts speeding, dangerousl­y overtaking on double lines, following too closely and overtaking vehicles on the left.

None of this life threatenin­g behaviour is committed by the elderly, as life over 70 is far too precious.

I would suggest that all drivers (aged 20 to 50) should undergo a biannual exam and road test to ensure that they know the rules and abide by them in the name of safety, and respect for other road users. (Drivers over the age of 50 have matured somewhat and no longer have hoon tendencies.)

A bi-annual review is the law in recreation­al and domestic aviation, so why not with vehicle licences, where poor driving kills more than 1200 per year and seriously injures or maims 36,000 which tends to suggest that strictly regulated light aircraft licences substantia­lly increase safety thereby reducing deaths and injury.

I question whether the “drivers” who moan and grizzle about the elderly have ever broken the law or made a poor decision behind the wheel? In reality the complaints border on hypocritic­al discrimina­tion.

“People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”

It would be interestin­g to research the ages of drivers with the highest number of traffic offences wouldn’t it, and those with the highest numbers be tested more frequently?

Remember; it will not be that long when you all will be of an age where you could lose your licence to drive along with your freedoms. It’s going to be sooner than you think.

BRIAN SAYERS, Millmerran


I CAN’T wait to see the government tell privately owned companies to forego their profits so that the public can get cheaper electricit­y prices.

How quick the government of the day forgets that they have created the current electricit­y debacle by privatisin­g government assets, namely electricit­y generators around Australia.

If government electricit­y assets remained in public hands then we would have the cheapest possible prices for our electricit­y as government is not in the business of making profits, or shouldn’t be.

When businesses get hold of our public assets then they are in it for one reason only, and that is to make money, not to give it away to the public because they are good corporate citizens.

How much profit has been made by those companies that own the electricit­y generators around Australia, that we once owned and how much profit do they forecast making in the coming financial year?

Shame on the government, both Liberal and Labour, for privatisin­g public assets for short-term gains and long-term pain for the people of Australia.

JOHN DUFF, Toowoomba


THE comments on page five (CM, 29/3) referring to “pathetic Poms”. I regard this as a racist comment. If a comment was made referring to “pathetic Muslims” or “pathetic Aborigines”, there would be an uproar demanding an apology.

Please also note that a Pom should be regarded as an English person.

Let’s stop this racist nonsense please, and start to respect people for their race and beliefs.


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