The Chronicle


Serves 12



1 loaf of stale sourdough bread

300ml milk

300g dried mixed fruit (I used a mixture of currants, raisins, sour cherries and sultanas)

50g mixed peel

1 eating apple, or quince grated (include the skin but not the core or pips)

3 tbsp soft dark brown sugar

2 tbsp plum jam

40g self-raising flour

2 eggs

A squeeze of fresh lemon juice

1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp mixed spice

100g butter, melted

Demerera sugar, to sprinkle over

Double cream, ice-cream or custard (for serving)


Pre-heat the oven to 170C. Grease and line a 28 x 20cm roasting tin. Slice up the bread, including the crusts. Break into small pieces and soak in the milk until softened. Once the milk has been absorbed (about 10 minutes), beat well with a fork. The bread and crusts will break down and combine with the milk, forming a creamy mush.

Stir in the grated apple or quince, then the rest of the ingredient­s and half of the melted butter. Beat well until combined. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin.

Pour the rest of the melted butter over the surface. Use a pastry brush to ensure it is all coated. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 1 1⁄2 hours.

When cooked, sprinkle over a little demerara sugar and serve warm with double cream or custard. Alternativ­ely, allow to cool and eat as cake.

 ?? Photo credit: SBS Television ??
Photo credit: SBS Television

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