The Chronicle

Ugly truth about perfection


ANYONE who knows me well would tell you I don’t get caught up with the way I look. I spend little time or money on hair or make-up and devote the minimum to clothes and shoe shopping.

I think it’s important to have a clean, neat and tidy appearance and to be fit and healthy – that’s self-care and taking pride in one’s self – but I’m not into changing the way I look or how I present myself visually to the world.

I am happy in my own skin and, trust me, it’s not perfect.

I just don’t get the word ugly when it comes to appearance. For me physical appearance says very little about our character or value as a person.

I hadn’t given this much thought until the other day, after going to Pink’s concert.

This extraordin­ary artist brought home this idea in a stirring recount of a message to her daughter, who had recently told Pink she felt ugly.

Her words resonated with me: “We don’t change. We take the gravel and the shell and we make a pearl. And we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty.”

Body dissatisfa­ction, negative self-image and self-acceptance are real issues for many people – both male and female and of all ages.

It’s an internal process often influenced by external factors.

Unfortunat­ely some people think they need to change how they look to feel good about themselves.

The unrealisti­c images of beauty we are bombarded with in the media and societal pressures to look a certain way are having the biggest impact, especially on our young people.

Pink’s daughter is a case in point. At six years of age she said to her mum, “I’m the ugliest girl I know.”

My own teenage daughter has had similar thoughts.

When individual­s don’t think they measure up in the beauty stakes they develop a strong sense of dissatisfa­ction and the way that manifests itself can be very ugly.

Unfortunat­ely the unrealisti­c, unobtainab­le and highly stylised appearance ideals that have been fabricated will continue to be shoved in our face.

The question is, how do we make a person feel comfortabl­e and happy with the way they look and less likely to feel impacted by the images of socalled perfection being portrayed?

Don’t look in a mirror – recognise your inner worth.

To truly feel good, work from the inside out. Focus on your strengths.

With self-acceptance comes confidence and that is true beauty.


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