The Chronicle



HOW frightenin­g to know that the Queensland Government is planning to introduce a bill to parliament shortly to decriminal­ise abortion, which would mean that abortion would be legal for any reason, at any stage of pregnancy until birth.

This would include late-term abortions performed for social or financial reasons on healthy women carrying healthy babies.

It would legalise gender-selection abortions despite a February 2018 opinion poll showing that the majority of Queensland­ers do not agree.

Also the rights of doctors and medical staff would also be taken away by forcing them to act against their conscience or beliefs.

There is no other word for this but murder of new lives beginning who should be protected.

For goodness sake, this is humanity, someone’s life beginning.

The heart is already beating three weeks after conception and a fully formed little person at 10 weeks gestation. An unborn child is clearly a living person relying on their mother to protect them.

How dare a government or anyone think that they have the right to decide who gets to grow and live their full, allotted time on earth and who doesn’t? And if this bill is passed, what next? What happens to future generation­s if this inhuman bill is forced upon us?

JUNE NICOTRA, Rangeville

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