The Chronicle



- MIND YOU WORDS: NICK BENNETT Nick Bennett is a facilitato­r, performanc­e coach and partner of Minds Aligned: mindsalign­

Assumption­s. They can really make an ass out of you and me. That’s an old chestnut whose truth is still resonating today.

Working with many people and more particular­ly in this instance with men as a personal coach, I find time and again that the things that block developmen­t or prevent change are the assumption­s that their beliefs are unshakeabl­y true.

When I challenge a client to tell me where their beliefs come from they will often respond that they have always believed that particular thing to be true. In other words their beliefs about themselves and their place in the world have been acquired when they were very young and were influenced by the environmen­t and the people who were largest in their lives at that time.

With the view that their beliefs are unshakeabl­y true, assumption­s and judgments about people, places, situations and others’ behaviour create conflict in the work, relationsh­ip, community and family setting. The terms right and wrong get thrown around as though the person has access to the absolute truth because they believe it and make the assumption that everyone sees the world as they do – except for those who don’t and they can’t be trusted.

It can be challengin­g to acknowledg­e that everyone’s truth is different because everyone’s story is different, so no one sees or experience­s the world the same as any other person. Assumption and judgment, teamed with a lack of compassion and curiosity, put the lid on any opportunit­y for developing effective relationsh­ips. And interestin­gly this includes the relationsh­ip with ourself.

If we take the time to challenge our beliefs or even to reflect by asking “where does that belief come from? Given whom I desire to be, does it serve me in the best way?” we can usually find a pathway from ignorance to knowledge in looking back down our timeline and can identify times, experience­s or events where we were changed by the circumstan­ce and our beliefs changed.

It is both amusing and sad that people are so dogmatic in holding on to their beliefs even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Once the world was believed to be flat, that the sun revolved around the Earth and that climate change was a myth.

What are you assuming and how is that affecting you and others?

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