The Chronicle

Storm in a bottle


CREATE a vortex similar to that created by a cyclone. You will need:

2 plastic soft drink bottles; a nail and hammer; water; food colouring; strong glue and masking tape What to do:

Remove labels and lids from both bottles.

Join the lids of the bottles

together (flat sides together) using the glue and strong tape.

Using the nail and the hammer, carefully punch a large hole, at least 1⁄2cm in diameter, through the middle of the joined lids.

Fill one of the bottles with water and add some food colouring.

Screw the joined lids onto the full bottle and then screw the empty bottle onto the top of the full bottle. Wrap some more tape around the lids to make sure the seal is tight.

Turn the bottles upside down so that the one full of water is on the top. Then move the bottles in a circular motion so the water inside starts to rotate.

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