The Chronicle



Across 7. Al Gore is abounding (6) 8. Farm equipment found in London (6)

9 & 10ac. Steal a machete and cut a path (4,4,4)

11. Do you need to wear slippers here? (3,4)

13. Talk on Southern mountain (5) 15. The sound of a witch’s transport? (5)

17. Type of material to court Labour leader Len with (7)

20 & 21ac. Ugandan yells out Robbie Burns poem (4,4,4)

23. No desire to be Americanis­ed. What a lunatic! (6)

24. Enhance Henri Chevallier a bit (6)


1. Fete for the French from Georgia (4)

2. Previously slip away to be a peeping tom (6)

3. Keeps instead (7)

4. It needs no groundwork for the chooks (5)

5. Formulate and stop the car outside (4,2)

6. Fancy work on the worker’s footwear? (8)

12. Yet it is not round when delivered by mail (8)

14. He is a bit of a beast among relatives (7)

16. A Dorian decree (6) 18. Rustle up a shine (6) 19. Concealed drawback of fastener (5)

22. Steal then put under arrest (4)


Across: 1. Aphids, 4. Ague, 8. Hurled, 9. Ageing, 11. Metamorpho­ses, 14. Trout, 16. Gloat, 18. Running stitch, 21. Hot air, 23. Scroll, 24. Dale, 25. Assert.

Down: 2. Horatio, 3. Dream, 5. Gig, 6. Evils, 7. Keg, 8. Hamster, 10. Arrange,

12. Hog, 13. Satchel, 15. Tui, 17. Outvote, 19. Noted, 20. Tacks, 21. Hod, 22. Ill.

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