The Chronicle



THE Labor-Greens have forced through the Dr Kerryn Phelps (29% of the vote in Wentworth) bill through parliament. This bill will trash the government’s highly successful Sovereign Borders policy; it is prompted by the socialist ideology of open borders and superior compassion for the “suffering” illegal immigrants on Nauru.

Those conditions on Nauru are so terrible that 70 of the illegals have refused to be settled in the United States. They are so terrible that 40 of the illegals now in the United States want to return to Nauru. America wants them to work for their welfare!

Nauru has excellent medical facilities funded by the Australian taxpayers, with one doctor to every seven illegal immigrants, and a state-of-theart hospital on Manus Island. How many Australian communitie­s would love that luxury.

The much-touted need to send some to Australia for “urgent” medical treatment just doesn’t match reality. The Leftist agenda is that once the illegals get into Australia for medical or any other reason, it’s virtually impossible to send them back, thanks to the taxpayer-funded socialist legal network.

The Kerryn Phelps bill will enable all of the illegals on Nauru to get into Australia on the say-so of a panel of activist doctors of whom there are many. One activist AMA executive, Dr Paul Bauert has irresponsi­bly and untruthful­ly claimed that illegals on Nauru are worse off than Nazi holocaust victims.

Other medical activists such as Dr Kerryn Phelps, Greens leader Dr Richard Di Natale and Greens founder Dr Bob Brown will also surely provide the accommodat­ing medical opinion to enable all illegal immigrants to enter Australia.

There could be no more effective attack on the government’s, until now, highly successful Sovereign Borders policy.

NEIL MUNRO, Toowoomba

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