The Chronicle

Smart snack ideas

Healthy ways you can combat the 3pm slump


WHILE it’s tempting to reach for the biscuit tin or the lolly jar, getting smart with your snacking can keep your eating on track, and help you stay focused as you forge through the afternoon.

Youfoodz dietitian Margaret Mielczarek outlines the essential foods that make for great afternoon snacking when you’re trying to be healthy, and how you can get them at a pinch.

Nuts and seeds

“Nuts like almonds and seeds like sunflower, pumpkin and chia are a great addition to any mid-afternoon snack,” Mielczarek says.

“They are a great source of fibre, protein and healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids), so adding nuts and seeds to your snack will keep you full and stabilise your energy levels, while also helping to keep your cholestero­l levels in check.”

Vegie sticks

Vegie sticks are a versatile snack and a fantastic accompanim­ent to so many foods.

“They go well with tinned tuna or dips like tzatziki and pack a nutrient punch, including fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidan­ts. It’s also a great way to up your vegie intake, too,” Mielczarek says.

Natural yoghurt

Yoghurt is a go-to food with so many health benefits.

“Not only does it contain protein – which helps to keep you feeling full for longer – it’s also a great source of probiotics (good bacteria that support a healthy gut) and calcium (important for bone health),” Mielczarek says.

“Yoghurt is also a very versatile snack.

“You can bulk it out with fruit, nuts and seeds, and even granola for the added fibrerich crunch.”


If you’re still ravenous after lunch, a can of tuna will give you a protein hit.

“Tuna is an excellent addition to crackers or vegies,” Mielczarek says.

“It’s a great source of healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids), which are important for heart health.

“Tuna also contains protein to help keep you full for longer, Vitamin D (essential for bone health) and selenium, which is a mineral that plays a role in metabolism and thyroid function.”

For more expert tips, visit

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