The Chronicle


Darling Downs has one of highest rates of limb amputation

- TOM GILLESPIE tom.gillespie@thechronic­

THE Darling Downs has one of the highest rates in the state of limb amputation due to diabetes.

Patients are having limbs amputated at a rate of one every week, according to the region’s leading health body.

PATIENTS with diabetes in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs are having limbs amputated at a rate of one every week, according to the region’s leading health body.

Darling Downs Health has revealed 203 limb amputation­s were performed on more than 150 patients between July 2015 and May 2019, with the numbers increasing every year.

It comes after medical profession­als called for better government investment into primary and preventati­ve health measures and programs in the region, which has been known for having some of the worst rates of type-two diabetes and obesity in Queensland.

Toowoomba Hospital director of medicine Dr Sheila Cook said once patients were presenting with complicati­ons from diabetes, it was often to late to do anything but amputate.

“Darling Downs Health has one of the highest rates of limb amputation­s due to diabetes in the state,” she said.

“When patients present to our hospitals with diabetes-related complicati­ons, sometimes their condition is too far advanced, and little can be done to save their limbs.”

Dr Cook said DDH was working closely with community organisati­ons to help people manage their diabetes and reduce hospital admissions.

Darling Downs and West Moreton Primary Health Network CEO Merrilyn Strohfeldt said people should speak with their GP about managing risks associated with diabetes.

“We know from our Health Needs Assessment that our region has high rates of diabetes,” she said.

“We want to connect people with health profession­als that exist to help them improve their wellbeing.”

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