The Chronicle





1907 - The rabbit-proof fence, the longest fence in the world, is completed.

1919 - Afghanista­n gained independen­ce from Britain.

1930 - The two halves of the Sydney Harbour Bridge are joined.

1934 - Adolf Hitler was approved for sole executive power in Germany as Fuehrer.

1942 - About 6000 Canadian and British soldiers launched a raid against the Germans at Dieppe, France. They suffered about 50 percent casualties.

1960 - Francis Gary Powers, an American U-2 pilot, was convicted of espionage in Moscow.

1960 - Two dogs were launched in a satellite into Earth’s orbit by the Soviet Union.

1991 - Soviet hard-liners announced that President Mikhail Gorbachev had been removed from power. Gorbachev returned to power two days later.

1998 - The first piece of the 351 foot bronze statue of Christophe­r Columbus arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

1999 - In Belgrade, thousands of Serbs attended a rally to demand the resignatio­n of Yugoslavia’s President Slobodan Milosevic.

2004 - Google Inc. stock began selling on the Nasdaq Stock Market. The initial price was set at $85 and ended the day at $100.34 with more than 22 million shares traded.

2016 - A federal judge ordered Hillary Clinton to answer questions from the watchdog group Judicial Watch in writing about her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Birthdays

Orville Wright 1871

Coco Chanel 1883

Gene Roddenberr­y 1921 Willie Shoemaker 1931

Ian Gillan (Deep Purple) 1945

Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton (U.S.) 1946 Jonathan Frakes 1952 Mary Matalin 1953 Peter Gallagher 1955 - Actor Adam Arkin 1956 - Actor Gary Chapman 1957 Martin Donovan 1957 Ron Darling 1960

Eric Lutes 1962

John Stamos 1963 - Actor

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