The Chronicle

Magpie swooping season quickly turns to magpie pooping season


ONE of the many attraction­s during Carnival of Flowers Week is the St Luke’s Anglican Church barbecue tent set up on the church grounds.

The annual burger tent is eagerly awaited and supported by many of the office workers in the vicinity.

One staffer from a nearby office was dispatched to St Luke’s for a steak burger run and she was soon returning to the office with a load of steak burgers.

However, as she walked back she felt a moist droplet fall from the sky onto her forehead and hoped that it might be rain in these dry times.

Alas, it was not to be, and as she wiped her brow her suspicions were confirmed - she had been shat upon from a great height by a magpie perched on a branch in a tree above.

Trying to console her, work colleague advised that it was considered good luck to be the victim of a bird drop.

“How is that lucky?” our lass shot back.

“Well, it was good luck didn’t land on the burgers.” it


TWO lasses had planned on going to the Heritage Bank Festival of Food and Wine on Friday night but, at the last minute, one dropped out leaving her friend with a spare $40 ticket.

She really wanted to go primarily because Byron Bay Organic Doughnuts were going to be in attendance, and she hadn’t had the opportunit­y to taste those crispy rings of goodness for almost 10 years. And, she wasn’t missing out. The lass walked in, bought six doughnuts and a bottle of highly priced shiraz and with that, went home having had her first, if not rather short, festival experience.


IT SEEMS one certain Toowoomba horse trainer can turn his work hand to more things than just leading in winners.

A sport scribe and photograph­er from a leading Toowoomba newspaper this week found themselves with an extra job after arriving at the trainer’s stable sporting a flat tyre on their vehicle.

Our photograph­er was quickly on the job replacing the flat.

But added help was on hand. The industriou­s trainer showed he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty either and was quickly on the job assisting with the wheel change before sending the intrepid pair on their way with a story and a free tyre change to boot.


MUM’s eldest son turned 18 this week and she asked him what special gift would he like for his entry into adulthood.

“Take me to the Vault (on Ruthven),” was not quite the answer his mother had expected, but she did say he could have whatever he wanted.

Meeting up with some friends the night before, she asked: “What does a mother do when taking her son to the strip club?”

“Well,” answered a friend, “Perhaps you should stay away from pole dancing in front of your son for a start.”

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