The Chronicle



TRUE, I often write about the Left. But last week’s violent protests in Melbourne symbolised in many ways why they’re the new barbarians.

This isn’t just because these Marxists and Greens are minitotali­tarians, trying to stop people from simply meeting at a mining conference.

The protests also showed other symptoms of the decline of Western civilisati­on.

Take this line, from a Herald

Sun report on a court hearing on Thursday involving one of the demonstrat­ors: “Police said the unemployed Newcastle man was also arrested outside the convention centre on Tuesday.”

What? So here’s a man from NSW, who should be looking for work, going instead to Melbourne to protest, and in ways that get him arrested. Twice.

What’s more, he’s protesting against the very industry that pays the biggest share of the taxes, which in turn pays for his dole.

Indeed, other demonstrat­ors there seemed hostile to anyone who merely seemed to have a job, screaming in the faces of people walking by in a business shirt.

What kind of tribal hatred is that?

Then there was another clear sign of our intellectu­al rot — a contempt for truth.

Greens MP Adam Bandt demonstrat­ed that superbly at a press conference he gave at the protest.

One video shows him looking directly at a rolling maul of protesters wrestling with police at the very moment he praises them to TV cameras as “peaceful” and “non-violent”.

Sensationa­l! To the postmodern­ist Left, facts are just social constructs, making debate pointless. Only force counts.

Indeed, one of the protest organisers, Socialist Alliance executive member Jacob Andrewarth­a, told me his socialist gang was entitled to stop people from having a meeting, just as I was entitled to get my own mates to stop him leaving his home.

“It’s all about who can mobilise the most numbers,” he said, which is exactly how Neandertha­ls used to solve disputes.

It’s also how communists usually seized power, without the bother of elections like the last one in Victoria, where Andrewarth­a, standing in Bundoora, won just 2 per cent of the vote.

So, true, such protesters are few. But see how many Marxist posters are stuck up around our universiti­es by students insanely ignorant of the bloody history of communism and dangerousl­y certain that their might means right.

e soon be more barbarians than you may think.

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