The Chronicle

Jorja’s running for the homeless

- MATTHEW NEWTON matthew.newton@thechronic­

RAISING money for the homeless isn’t something most nine-year-olds would bother with on their school holidays.

But that’s what soon-to-be Year 4 St Thomas More’s school student Jorja Duggan has set her mind to, with the little dynamo pledging to run 25km before January 1 to fundraise for those less fortunate than her.

For Jorja, the reasoning was simple.

“They don’t have the life that we have, and they live on the streets, and they don’t get much to eat,” she explained.

After taking part in a food drive at her school, donating goods to local support service Rosies, Jorja wanted to do something more.

Playing to Jorja’s strength as a keen runner, her mum Lisa Duggan guided her in the right direction when it came to deciding how to raise money.

Jorja now has a Running for Rosies Facebook and Gofundme page set up, and is encouragin­g others to take part in her journey by running the 4km Peak to Park track with her on December 21.

She’s already run 12.5km and raised $1270 of her $5000 goal.

Her mum couldn’t be prouder.

“We could have helped children or the farmers – but her response to me was: it makes me sad that somebody doesn’t have somewhere to sleep and eat and nobody loves them,” Mrs Duggan said.

“It brings a tear to my eye. I said, no, that’s lovely. If that’s what you want to do, follow your heart.”

Mrs Duggan said the group run on December 21 would start from Picnic Point at 4.15pm for a 4.30pm start.

“For anybody who wants to run something with (Jorja), this is the day and time. It finishes at Lake Annand and we’ll pop sausages on the barbie afterwards,” she said.

And what happens if she smashes her target of 25km long before January 1?

Jorja, brimming with enthusiasm, beamed.

“Well we’ll keep going and see where we get to,” she said.

To donate head to or there are donation tins at Westridge Fruit and Vegetables, Lush Hair and Beauty, Scott Street Pharmacy, and other businesses around Toowoomba.

 ?? Picture: Bev Lacey ?? LEGEND: Nine year old Jorja Duggan is raising money for the homeless by running 25km before January 1.
Picture: Bev Lacey LEGEND: Nine year old Jorja Duggan is raising money for the homeless by running 25km before January 1.
 ??  ?? Lisa Duggan is incredibly proud of her daughter Jorja.
Lisa Duggan is incredibly proud of her daughter Jorja.

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