The Chronicle

UK election


I’M delighted with the results of the UK election. I prayed the Conservati­ves would win but the outcome was tremendous.

Related to that, it showed clearly that concise and unchalleng­eable results in seats can be achieved and government­s chosen, with a one vote only system uncluttere­d by the nonsense of preference­s. The outcome was clear within hours as counters at the polling booths only had to tally up ballots for candidates without complicati­ons.

As to Australia, we poor deluded dummies, who cannot think for ourselves and must be gently guided by the “omniscient” left, thought for ourselves and dared to vote for Scott Morrison against Bill Shorten, when the media comrades were certain Shorten could not fail.

Likewise in Britain, the voters, who have the right to vote or abstain, turned out in their thousands to reject the toxic red ideology of Jeremy Corbyn and gave Boris Johnson and the Conservati­ves a heart warming and patriotic majority.

The British people, whether Labour or Tory supporters, put their difference­s down and voted in the 2016 Brexit Referendum, to free their country from the shackles of Brussels. The final emphatic statement of what they chose was the 2019 general election. Brexit will now get done.

The “weep and wail” brigade in Britain is stunned, crying that Britain will now be subject to five years of Conservati­ve horror. They’re petulantly blaming everyone and everything for the loss except themselves. “We showed the people the progressiv­e and enlightene­d path. How could they have been so wrong”?


- I am a Roman citizen, was the proud boast of many in ancient times however, by about 400 years after Augustus, who died in 14AD, Rome’s empire was gone. The Empire of Alexander the Great before that likewise collapsed after his death and within a few years of the death of Charlemagn­e, crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800AD, his kingdom fragmented.

The European Union and its currency are unnatural aberration­s and should be discarded. ROGER DESHON, Toowoomba

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