The Chronicle



WE HAVE unwittingl­y betrayed the Anzacs.

The Anzacs fought two world wars so that we can live our lives free from oppression. They won, but our generation dishonours them daily by adopting values contrary to those they fought to uphold.

We are humans who are no longer humane. When children born alive are abandoned alone to die because they survived an abortion intended to kill them, this is not humane, nor do our authoritie­s regard it as murder.

To our shame, Australian states are legislatin­g abortions to full term, thereby legitimisi­ng the killing of babies that are capable of living outside the womb - this choice is therefore not about the mother’s body at all.

What about adoption rather than killing? Unfortunat­ely Australia‘s hangover from the “stolen generation” and its ready recourse to abortion as the solution, makes it extremely difficult for those wanting to adopt children.

The NSW parliament’s debate as to whether abortion can be allowed on the basis of gender is a full acknowledg­ment that this is not about foetal tissue as abortionis­ts sucked us into believing 45 years ago; this is now the selected murder of a well-developed human being.

For a nation that purports to believe in safety and in human rights, yet kills tens of thousands of young Australian­s every year, we have become a nation of hypocrites suffering from an intellectu­al disconnect when the truth is not convenient.

We have been progressiv­ely duped into accepting the killing of innocent people, not openly acknowledg­ing the pain and regret post-abortion that women so often endure, becoming like the perpetrato­rs of the holocaust that we despise, unworthy of the Anzacs.

BRUCE LOUDEN, Panorama Drive

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