The Chronicle


- Andrew Bolt

WE’RE being sold out. White self-hatred is rotting out our society — and other Western societies, too. Let me give five examples just from the past fortnight, starting with the seemingly trivial.

Last week a Perth primary school banned children from bringing in cupcakes for their birthday.

Now, cupcakes are a lovely Australian thing. But that’s exactly the problem.

You see, this ban isn’t just because some kids at school have food allergies. It’s also for cultural reasons.

As the Arbor Grove Primary School said in an email to parents: “We have been mindful of the increasing number of students with food allergies and intoleranc­es, the cultural diversity of the school and the beliefs and traditions of these cultures.”

Pardon? What other cultures hate cupcakes? And if such intolerant cultures exist, why must Australian students surrender to them?

Another example of this cringing last week: Scandinavi­an airlines released an extraordin­ary ad that trashes Scandinavi­an culture.

“What is Scandinavi­an for real?” it asks, before answering: “Absolutely nothing.”

Yes, the best “Scandinavi­an” things — like democracy, open sandwiches, parental leave and Swedish meatballs — were all from foreigners, “brought here, bit by bit, by ordinary people who found the best of our home in other places”.

What a “progressiv­e” ad. How perfectly in synch with a country and a continent that opened the doors to mass immigratio­n from the Third World and dismissed critics as racists.

But the airline didn’t realise how stupid it (still) is to publicly sneer that Swedish, Norwegian and Danish cultures are nothing special. Viewers were so cross that the ad was pulled after just one day.

But such self-hatred is now preached by privileged and “cosmopolit­an” whites at our very highest cultural institutio­ns.

Take Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Anglican Church, once Australia’s establishm­ent church.

“When we look at our own church, we are still deeply institutio­nally racist,” Welby announced last week.

Pardon? In fact, Christiani­ty inspired the fight against racism. Its teachings helped to create the most free, most tolerant and richest societies ever seen on this planet.

But Welby the Woke went further in his self-hatred: “I have white advantage, educationa­l advantage, straight advantage, male advantage … I’m ashamed

of not knowing I had them.”

Here is yet more of the fashionabl­e tribal thinking that’s encouragin­g this white self-debasement.

Welby’s “privileges” do not come from his white “race”. They come from himself and his culture.

They come from Welby grabbing the chances offered to him by a great society built over centuries by the English people, including Celts, Saxons, Angles, Romans, Danes, Normans, Huguenots and Jews.

But the new tribalism is inspiring not just white self-hatred but a bizarre antiwhite racism.

On to our fourth news item: Cosmopolit­an two weeks ago scrapped its planned cover after learning it featured a girl who’d once backed the slogan “White Lives Matter”.

That slogan “does not reflect the values of the Cosmo brand”, declared editor-inchief Jessica Pels. “We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter”.

Yes, black lives do matter. But white lives don’t?

Such white self-loathing seems to be destroying the confidence of even our top institutio­ns to govern us all.

Take the final news item. Last Tuesday our High Court decided our immigratio­n laws no longer fully apply to one “race”.

In a split 4-3 decision, it ruled that our government could not deport anyone identifyin­g as Aboriginal — even if they were a convicted criminal who was born overseas and had never been an Australian citizen.

It could not deport even Brendan Thoms, a New Zealand citizen born to a New Zealand father in New Zealand, and jailed for domestic violence.

It could not deport Thoms because his pale-complexion­ed Australian mother identified as Aboriginal, and he did, too. Some Aboriginal elders had also decreed he was one of them.

As one of the dissenting judges warned, such a decision puts the elders of one race above the Immigratio­n Minister of all Australian­s. This is the High Court effectivel­y losing the moral courage to say our elected Western government has the right to govern for all “races”.

This rot in our confidence is now so bad that academics and students at two of our top universiti­es even protested against grants which a charity has offered to teach Western civilisati­on.

They claimed our civilisati­on was “racist”, “supremacis­t” and oppressive.

But if they think Western civilisati­on is racist and oppressive, wait until we see what replaces it.

Watch out: We may not have to wait long.

 ??  ?? Brendan Thoms (top), Justin Welby (above) and two banned items: cupcakes and Scandinavi­an patriotism.
Brendan Thoms (top), Justin Welby (above) and two banned items: cupcakes and Scandinavi­an patriotism.
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