The Chronicle

Climate change


RECENTLY, there has been a frenzied focus across society to “inextricab­ly link” the devastatin­g drought and bushfires primarily to “runaway” man-made global warming (RMMGW).

Geoff Castle’s emotive letter (TC, 2/3) included the phrase “Welcome to the one degree world”, and in it stated that he feels he may need to become more “blunt” in his approach to overcome political “terminal collective climate denialism”.

There are three things I have learned in life to avoid falling for every new orchestrat­ed catchcry and populist movement:

1. Fervency of belief is not an accurate measure of truth.

2. Those making weak points often yell the most loudly.

3. The wise think for themselves; they do not unquestion­ingly prostrate themselves before the self-appointed gatekeeper­s of claimed truth, no matter how strident their rhetoric.

There are incessant claims of “indisputab­le facts” backed by “empirical evidence” concerning RMMGW and also its impacts.

But many of these so-called facts are indeed disputable and have been challenged by eminent climatolog­ists such as Judith Curry and Lennart Bengtsson.

Empirical (observatio­nal) evidence sounds so incontesta­ble and objective; but consider the supposedly “authoritat­ive” American scientific agency – the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion (NOAA).

Professor David Dilley is a meteorolog­ist, climatolog­ist, paleoclima­tologist and CEO of Global Weather Oscillatio­ns Inc.

Importantl­y, he is also a former NOAA meteorolog­ist and in 2015 wrote an easily found essay entitled “Suppressin­g the Truth – the Next Global Cooling Cycle” in which he states: “In the mid 1990s government grants were typically advertised in such a way to indicate that conclusion­s [about global warming] should show a connection to human activity … According to some university researcher­s who were former heads of their department­s, if a university even mentioned natural cycles, they were either denied future grants, or lost grants … Most university research department­s live or die via the grant system. What a great way to manipulate researcher­s in Europe, Australia and the United States.” Yes, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

US climate scientist John Christy – the joint developer of reliable satellite global temperatur­e data recording – has also made revelation­s about NOAA statistica­l fraud.

A 2018 article covering this noted that “adjustment­s” have been made to make data sets more “accurate” – but that it convenient­ly “creates a data illusion of ever-rising temperatur­es to match the increase in CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere since the mid-1800s”.

Australian science presenter Joanne Nova’s website provides a wealth of alternativ­e climate informatio­n with many links.

This includes the drought, bushfires, and the questionab­le actions of our own Bureau of Meteorolog­y who she shows have engaged in climate data destructio­n and “correction” … moves which have (hardly surprising­ly) cooled the past and enabled declaratio­ns of record heat.

Is all this genuine scientific endeavour, or is it science falsely so called? M.J. ELIAS, Toowoomba

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