The Chronicle

NSW opening doors

Three new cases ahead of further lifting of restrictio­ns today


NSW has recorded three new cases of COVID-19 as the state prepares to ease restrictio­ns on pubs, beauty salons and holiday travel.

All the cases recorded in the 24 hours to Saturday night were travellers in hotel quarantine. The state has 3095 cases, with 2685 of those recovered.

“With further restrictio­ns set to be lifted from tomorrow, it remains essential that everyone maintains social distancing of 1.5m and regularly washes their hands,” NSW Health said yesterday.

The state yesterday endured one more day of tight coronaviru­s restrictio­ns before pubs, beauty salons and museums reopen and holiday travel inside state boundaries is permitted from today.

The State Government yesterday said a major tourism marketing push would coincide with the changes.

Travellers from interstate will also be able to visit NSW under the changes, but must comply with the rules of their home state when returning.

The next phase of the “now’s the time to love NSW” campaign – first announced earlier this year after bushfires devastated the state – will include a new television commercial and social media video series, and internatio­nal digital advertisin­g to keep the state in overseas visitors’ minds.

While there were few new cases in the latest reporting period, NSW Health warned the virus was probably circulatin­g among people with mild symptoms and the risk of outbreaks remained.

There were 68 COVID-19 cases being treated by NSW Health yesterday, including one person who was in intensive care.

From today, museums, galleries, libraries and beauty salons will reopen, while up to 20 people will be allowed to attend weddings and up to 50 people will be allowed at a place of worship or a funeral.

The maximum number of pubs and restaurant patrons will increase from 10 to 50.

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