The Chronicle



People say ‘living the dream’. But if anyone is living my dream, they’d be trying to explain to their old history teacher why they’ve turned up at school wearing not much, and covered in baked beans! As the Finger of Fate points to the Sun, we’ll start to see creative ways to manifest ambitious goals. Most of us have a fantastica­l imaginary world in which we live our ideal lives. Over the coming days at least some of these fantasies can enter the world of reality. Dream big today! Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


It’s right and proper to consider your friends as assets. They are (or should be) people who you’re proud to have in your life. Generally, since they are loyal folk, you don’t mind sharing them; in fact their value increases as they interact with your other assets. Who would want to keep their ‘special people’ separate from one another? Yet, one of the key relationsh­ips in your world has become over-complicate­d. When the cosmic Finger of Fate brings you an opportunit­y to simplify it, everyone will benefit. The Finger of Fate can transform your world. Call 1300 017 319

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

The lyrics to an old song spring to mind: ‘If you want the things you love, you’ve got to have showers’. Sung by some of the greatest singers; from Billie Holiday to Frank Sinatra, their performanc­es have gone down in history because they put their heart and soul into expressing the sentiments of the song. Today, as the Finger of Fate focuses on your ruler, the Sun, it’s worth putting your heart and soul into a project you care about. You won’t believe what you could achieve.

How will the Finger of Fate transform your life?

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People say ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather’… it’s just that we sometimes choose to wear the wrong clothes for the climate we find ourselves dealing with. Yes, there’s an element of truth to this statement, yet it’s rare that we consciousl­y decide to clothe ourselves in unsuitable gear. We usually listen to the forecasts and dress appropriat­ely. As your astrologic­al forecaster today, my advice is to dig out your coat of perseveran­ce. You’ll be able to make much headway if you do. The Finger of Fate brings powerful positive change!

Call 1300 017 319


What is it about certain flavours that puts you off them? What makes you turn your nose up, and push your plate away? Once we’ve concluded that we don’t get on with something, wild horses can’t change our minds. Well… it takes something world altering in order to convince us to drop long-held conviction­s. If someone’s heart is set against something, try not to respond with frustratio­n today. Compassion and empathy will be far more fruitful tools. And you have these qualities in abundance. The Finger of Fate brings transforma­tion.

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It’s a sensible idea to periodical­ly make sure that your fire alarms are working. But suppose you decide to change the batteries at the exact moment that a tea towel catches fire out of your sight? Might it be better to wait; to know that you’re covered for today, but that you might not be covered tomorrow? It’s not easy knowing when to take that kind of risk. As you weigh up a comparable set of circumstan­ces, know that there’s no right answer. Listen to your intuition, and go with that. Let the power of the Finger of Fate inspire you.

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Which rules can you afford to bend a little before they break? Where might you be able to cut a little corner, today? I’m not suggesting you do anything too radical - I’m aware that I’m talking to a strait-laced Capricorn. Or, at least, to a Capricorn who likes to project that image. Yet, at this point in your life, your sense of responsibi­lity is so well recognised and appreciate­d that no one’s paying any attention to your actions themselves. Don’t push the boat out too far... but a little won’t do any harm. Let the Finger of Fate guide you to your dream future. Call 1300 017 319


There’s no doubt that the truth can sometimes be painful… but so can a trip to the dentist. And there are some things that just have to be done – they do us good, even though they’re not particular­ly enjoyable. Of course, we need to watch out for a sense of masochism; it can be easy to slip into a way of being in which we subject ourselves to all sorts of unpleasant things because we think they might ‘do us good’. You’re facing something that needs to be faced. It will do you no harm. The Finger of Fate brings powerful positive change.

Call 1300 017 319


Our problems provide us with a sense of purpose. When we’ve got something challengin­g to deal with, we have to focus our minds and direct our energy towards resolving it. As long as we feel relatively confident in our ability to rise to the challenge, we enjoy working our way through difficulti­es. When someone tells us that we’re no longer needed, we might even feel a degree of disappoint­ment. The Finger of Fate indicates you’re entitled to feel free from an obligation. Enjoy the change. The Finger of Fate can transform your world.

Call 1300 017 319


It’s hard to argue with a satnav. Once it knows where you’re headed, it works out what it thinks is the best route. Then, unless you’re ruthless about not following its advice, the mechanical voice is so insistent that we end up doing what it tells us to do. At this rate it won’t be long before we’re just serving the commands of intelligen­t robots. Is that really true? It would be easy to dismiss advice you’re being offered today. But if you follow it, it will take you to exactly where you need to be. How will the Finger of Fate transform your life?

Call 1300 017 319


When the perfect answer is right in front of someone, what would possess them to turn it down? Well, perhaps it’s not quite perfect. Or it comes at too high a price. Or maybe too much would be lost in a compromise. Or, for the time being at least, it suits them better to leave things as they are. Stasis is not always a bad thing. Though a situation might not be moving as quickly as you’d like, it’s not going wrong. Take today as an opportunit­y to regroup and regather your precious energy. Let the Finger of Fate guide you to your dream future.

Call 1300 017 319


For every undeniable truth there’s someone who believes the complete opposite. For every argument there’s a counterarg­ument. Although ‘absolutes’ provide us with reassuring boundaries, they’re also sources of misunderst­anding and disagreeme­nt. Don’t forget the power of the words, ‘I don’t know’ today. Not only is there no shame in saying them, the courage and wisdom you show will open doors of enlightenm­ent. Being honest about your knowledge will expand your horizons. The Finger of Fate brings transforma­tion Call 1300 017 319


In response to new data security laws, Pisceans’ forecasts have been password encrypted. Please navigate to the top righthand corner of the page, and enter your personalis­ed code. What do you mean you don’t know what it is? You set one up ages ago, remember? Well, if you really don’t know, please click the word ‘LINK’ and we’ll send you a new one. One thing, though: you won’t be able to change it to anything memorable Expect a minor irritation today, but nothing you can’t cope with. Let the power of the Finger of Fate inspire you.

Call 1300 017 319

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