The Chronicle



The moon represents what we crave in our lives (rather than what we want). Under lockdown, when another astrologer and I were chatting, they mentioned that they expected to weigh about three metric tonnes by mid-September. I have to say that I can’t recommend the COVID diet either. Fortunatel­y, the Virgoan new moon brings opportunit­ies for us all to change our routines. It needn’t be a giant leap but a determined step could lead to powerful transforma­tion. Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


You may be feeling that things are going haywire; as if you need to alter arrangemen­ts, adjust your ideas and change your plans. But there’s no need to panic. While it’s true that you’re being bombarded by distractio­ns, you’re still on the right road, and steering along the right trajectory. You’ll be able to cope with any burning issues relatively easily because they’re all related to situations you’ve already dealt with. As long as you keep focused, your choices will be wise and successful.

Let the auspicious new moon reveal your future. Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

It’s ironic that our ability to create magic is directly related to our capacity to view it as a normal part of our lives. If one of your ancestors could see what you do with your day, from using your phone, to making so many decisions in such short spaces of time, they would be convinced that you had extraordin­ary powers. Under the new moon, something in your life deserves acknowledg­ment for what it has done to add sparkle to your world. Your appreciati­on will add to its value. For new moon news that will make your spine tingle call 1300 017 319.


Why do we bother to have feelings? Would anyone ever choose to feel sadness, anger or pain when we could simply... not? But what’s the alternativ­e? Would you compromise joy and hope just to be free of their opposites? Of course, we all have difficult days and painful memories. But aren’t we more than recompense­d by the ability to lift others up, to console and be consoled, to love and be loved in return? The new moon brings a reminder of just how much you have to cherish.

Don’t miss your powerful personal moon-sign forecast. Call 1300 017 319.


Some people like to keep count of the good and bad things that happen to them. They find it satisfying to have a running tally of the favours they’ve been granted and the hardships they’ve been dealt. The problem is that if we’re not careful we fall into the trap of comparing our misfortune­s to other people’s and feeling hard done by. It’s easy to miscount and blame the cosmos for treating us unfairly. Today, the magical new moon highlights your blessings. They are worth counting.

Big changes are due between now and the next full moon. Call 1300 017 319.


You’re going to have to search high and low to find a bushel big enough for you to hide your light under. And if you’re not sure what a bushel actually is, it’s an old term for a weight used to measure grain or produce. The word might have faded from common parlance, but that’s not why you can’t hide your light under one. Your light shines so brightly it would radiate past the largest obstacle. With the new moon in your sign, have confidence in your ability to exude warmth… and to be brilliant. The Virgoan new moon is powerful. Change your life. Call 1300 017 319.


The new moon encourages you to change the focus of your concentrat­ion; to open your eyes and ears and be more alert. And while you’re doing that, why not open your heart and mind too. Here comes a cosmic invitation to throw open the doors, raise the shutters and ensure that you’re as accessible as possible. As long as you’re open to communicat­ion, and are willing to listen to what other people have to say, you’ll find that your needs are being acknowledg­ed and responded to. Your spookily accurate moon-sign forecast has great news. Call 1300 017 319.


With all the current rules and regulation­s about what can and can’t be done, you’d be forgiven for thinking that you can get away with sitting on your laurels and waiting for good things to happen. Yet, idling time away and hoping that fate will knock at your door isn’t your style. Which is lucky, because you need to get things moving. It’s time to show some faith. Even if it involves investing in a project you’re not sure about, and the results aren’t immediate, your energy won’t be wasted.

The new moon has a powerful message for you. Call 1300 017 319.


If, as Monty Python suggested, we only ever looked on the bright side of life, what would we find? Actually, we might not see very much at all. Like all extremes, brilliant light can be as obscuring as it is illuminati­ng; and brightness blinds just as much as darkness. We need light and dark, shadow and sunlight. Without being able to see both sides of a situation, how can we be objective? Having said that, if you must lean one way, the influence of the new moon encourages you to lean towards optimism. The new moon brings potential transforma­tion. Call 1300 017 319.


With the world in a state of almost constant upheaval you’ve nearly forgotten what it means to be carefree, hopeful and relaxed about the future. Too much of your time has been taken up with grappling with, and fending off problems. Frankly, it’s been exhausting. I’m not going to tell you that the new moon will make everything better. But you’re about to see a sure sign that the tide’s beginning to turn. Although a little more patience is called for, be reassured that you’re on the right path. Your latest moon-sign forecast will touch your heart. Call 1300 017 319.


Although some things are in short supply, (like fossil fuels and holidays) the same can’t be said of hope and optimism. Nor, while we’re talking about it, is there any reason to think that we might soon be running short of faith, love, friendship, or generosity. Although we’re all experienci­ng challengin­g times, there have been moments when we’ve appreciate­d a special sense of togetherne­ss. If you feel worried about the future today, try to celebrate what makes you glad. You’ll feel much better. There’s a powerful new moon. Change your future. Call 1300 017 319.


When the crime writer Agatha Christie wrote her murder mysteries the finales tended to be uncomplica­ted events. The characters would be called into one of the rooms of a large house, where the detective would skilfully reimagine events in a way that teased everyone present, until the identity of the murderer was revealed. It’s a much more complex process nowadays. If you find yourself involved in a tricky situation, the new moon brings you the power to set things straight.

Let the powerful new moon guide you to a happier future. Call 1300 017 319.


Action movies rarely feature diplomatic conference­s where members vote to decide what to do for the best. No. The stars of these fast-moving thrillers make their decisions instinctiv­ely; they have seconds to decide what to do. We admire their courageous impulsiven­ess. We rarely (if ever) see them carrying out risk assessment­s before leaping into action. Is the new moon giving you the green light to be impulsive? If you’re brave enough to give yourself permission, it certainly is.

For your spookily accurate moon-sign forecast call 1300 017 319.

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