The Chronicle


- WITH OSCAR CAINER WWW.CAINER.COM The TV series Succession romped home at the Emmys. The show, about billionair­e families, explores the dynamics of wealth and power. Being part of a family business means I can relate on some levels! We all sometimes find


Why is it that a one in three chance of failure seems high, while a one in three chance of success seems small? How is it possible that our sense of perspectiv­e can vary so much in anticipati­on of an outcome? Whenever fear or doubt come into the mix, they magnify and distort our expectatio­ns. In amongst the excitement and anticipati­on heralded by the Full Moon in your sign, a fact needs to be grasped. Find it, and then hold on to it. It will bring the guidance you seek.

October is going to be special. For inspiring news, call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

The trouble with people who don’t express their feelings is that when they speak, they don’t feel what they say. Since they tend to keep safely distanced from their emotions they end up confusing their real feelings with what they think they ‘should’ be feeling. This leads to a lot of confusion. As the Moon grows full, it enables you to see with precision and grow even more clear about your intentions in regards to an important relationsh­ip. You can use your insight to reach valuable understand­ing. In a month packed with cosmic creativity, transform your life. Call 1300 017 319.


You pride yourself on your willingnes­s to own your mistakes, to hold your hands up and accept what you’ve done wrong, or could have done better. You’d never dream of disguising them or, heaven forbid, blaming someone else. Like many Sagittaria­ns, you’re both humble and honourable; and these admirable characteri­stics should always be highly valued. But, every now and then, they make you apologise for things you should, in fact, be proud of. Don’t fall into that trap today. For good news about October’s exciting celestial outlook, call 1300 017 319.


Oh the adventures and misadventu­res of satnavs. We’ve all heard about people who end up on dead-end tracks looking at the motorway they want to be driving along. We also know people who use them to go to their local shops. They like to test the digital voice against their own knowledge. But, love them or hate them, when you’re lost, on a dark night and can’t find your way home, they’re worth their weight in gold. You have access to informatio­n based on experience today. Take it. How can you benefit from October’s powerful Blue Moon? Call 1300 017 319.


We like our morning routines. Alarm. Coffee. Shower. Dress. Toast. Action. We like to settle into familiar patterns so that we don’t need to worry or think. We get these habits down to a fine art. So, should we roll this kind of high-functionin­g, repetitive efficiency out across the rest of our life? Well, it’s spontaneit­y, plus the ability to react, that gives our world texture, and provides us with room to grow, adapt and deal with challenges. If you break the mould today, it will bring the freedom you desire. Change is possible this Blue Moon month of October. Call 1300 017 319.


The plot line of old cops and robbers films often centres on a passer-by being arrested for a crime they didn’t commit. Because of a secret they’ve sworn to keep, they’re unable to provide the detectives with informatio­n that would prove their innocence. Now, although you’re not in such a tricky situation, your position is compromise­d because of your unwillingn­ess to expose a mistake that someone has made. Your loyalty will not only be appreciate­d. It will be well-rewarded.

Take full advantage of October’s inspiring cosmic climate. Call 1300 017 319.


Shall we start with an orchestra? Shouldn’t there be a few instrument­alists with you, at all times, to help underline the mood you’re in? When you’re feeling angelic, a harpist would be appropriat­e. When you’re irritated, a percussion­ist would suit your mood. When you’re thoughtful, a cellist would be perfect. And a few trills on a flute would nicely underline any joyful thoughts. Where are you going to find such support? Actually, you’ll find it easy to make your feelings understood today. Use October’s celestial energy to create positive change. Call 1300 017 319.


Compromise­s are seldom the end of the world. A direct, headto-head clash, on the other hand, leads to all sorts of difficulti­es. What if, instead of accepting the middle ground, two opposing arguments were forced into direct competitio­n? The only possible result would involve stress, strife and a very big headache. Under the influence of the Full Moon in your opposite sign, it may be best to consider what plan you can most easily live with. Save perfection for another day. October’s full of inspiratio­n; transform your life! Call 1300 017 319.


Although no one wants to be the small cog in a vast machine, every cog has value. Within every piece of machinery, every item, no matter how big or small, has an important function. Not only that, but each piece is part of a complex process; if one part fails, the entire system is affected. You’ve been doubting your ability to influence a situation that’s dear to your heart and worrying that your opinion has been overlooked. Yet you have more than enough power to make a big difference. It’s a month filled with awesome cosmic activity! Call 1300 017 319.


Why are you here? What mix of happenstan­ce and accident brought you to this particular intersecti­on in time and space? Wait. Before you move on, unwilling to unpick every decision you’ve made in search of some kind of ‘inner truth’, or ‘cosmic insight’, that’s not what I’m encouragin­g you to do. Quite the reverse. Actually, I’d like to suggest that you don’t give such matters another thought. What’s important, is that you know you’re in the right place, at the right time; because you are! Take full advantage of October’s inspiring cosmic climate. Call 1300 017 319.


We all sometimes experience a sense of regret. We might think of someone (or something) from the past, and in the blink of an eye, our mood is influenced by our memory. Our sense of proportion goes flying out of the window as we’re caught up in a historic emotional response. How, in such moments, are we supposed to keep a sense of perspectiv­e? Even though you’re not certain whether you’re embarking on a good plan, the coming Full Moon indicates that you’re being inspired. Capture the powerful energy of October’s skies. Call 1300 017 319.


Although we all dream of an ideal time when we’ll be free from worries, we never run out of things to be concerned about. There’s always something to be aggravated by. That’s why some people like to allow time for delays and frustratio­ns in their plans. I mention this, not because you need to prepare for an unexpected difficulty. But because the approachin­g Full Moon enables you to advance despite the turmoil you’ve had to deal with recently. You can start to make good progress. You’ve got lots to look forward to in October!

Call 1300 017 319.

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