The Chronicle

Geddes St flasher strikes


CENTENARY Heights State High School executive principal Maryanne Walsh has sent a letter home to parents warning of a flasher lurking in South Toowoomba.

The letter said three boys were walking home on Wednesday afternoon when they saw a car parked near the corner of Geddes and South Streets.

“As they walked past the car their attention was drawn to the driver who was sitting in the driver’s seat and had exposed his genitals,” Mrs Walsh said in the letter.

“(They walked) to the home of one of their parents and this incident was immediatel­y reported to police.

“I have been in touch with our police to be updated on the progress of their investigat­ion.

“I am especially proud of the manner in which our boys responded so responsibl­y in this situation.

“I will again be asking out teachers to run through safety processes when students make their way to and from school and ask that you, as parents/ carers, revisit your advice on this topic with your children.”

The incident comes about six weeks after a man exposed himself to a female CHSHS

student at the same corner. On February 2 Mrs Walsh sent a similar letter home, warning of a man, aged in his 30s or 40s who called the girl over to his car.

“She walked to the window and witnessed him performing a sex act on himself,” she said.

“She left that area quickly and made her way to the safety of our school office where she was cared for with a report being made immediatel­y to police along with contact home.”

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