The Chronicle



Twin rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus, have been in a feisty relationsh­ip since February. Their alignment has been separating, but when Saturn turns backwards this weekend, the intensity of this connection begins to rebuild. Saturn can be a strict taskmaster, demanding discipline and hard work, so there will be challenges ahead. Tomorrow though, it makes a harmonious connection with kind, creative Venus. Just because something’s difficult, doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable. ARIES MAR 21 – APR 20

When we come up against tricky situations, it’s natural to want to do everything possible to sort them out ASAP. Yet sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t make progress. We find you facing such a scenario. Your hands, so you think, are tied. Yet the cosmic climate offers new insight. As the Sun prepares to change signs, make sure you’re prepared to instigate change. You can use this moment to summon the energy to step into an uncharted new way of thinking. Your problem’s easier to fix than you think.

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LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

Shall we sit around a table together? I’ll close the curtains if you find a candle. Then we can hold hands and go into a trance. Ah, I’m getting a message through the ethers. It seems to be for someone whose zodiac sign contains a letter L and a letter O. How exciting! Now, what does it say? ”Take care, today, not to go along with a ridiculous idea just because someone wants you to.”You have to honour your own deepest inclinatio­ns now, regardless of the pressure on you to fit in with other people’s arguments and beliefs.

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Some people say that the secret to eternal life lies in finding a way of slowing time down so that it almost stands still. Although I agree with this principle in theory, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Nothing, in my experience, slows life down like fear or doubt. If, by logical extension, I were to tell you that the way to achieve immortalit­y was to live in a permanent state of stress, why would anyone want to do that? If you can let go of whatever is causing you to worry today, the benefits will obscure any perceived advantages.

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We’re more likely to take risks when we’re bored with thinking about something. When we’ve tossed and turned and gone back and forth over all the possibilit­ies, there comes a time when we decide enough is enough. That’s when we put all of our rumination­s aside and just take a leap. Or (and slightly more riskily) we decide not to think about the issue at all; if we ignore it, it will just go away, right? Unfortunat­ely, this is seldom the case. If you revisit an old issue today, you’ll make a rediscover­y that you will be glad of.

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It’s easy to advise people to take small steps towards their goals. After all, we understand that progress is a process. Just as a giant oak doesn’t emerge from an acorn overnight, we don’t expect to transform with a wave of a magic wand. Yet, without visible progress, it’s hard to stay motivated. While slow and steady movement does win races, if you can cultivate the perfect conditions for success to grow, you may well find you can speed it on its way. The Sun’s imminent change of sign brings renewed faith in your goal. Keep going.

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We try to do the best that we can, and then we hope for the best. We can develop our critical abilities. We can question our understand­ing of what constitute­s ‘the best’ and strive to ensure we’re not confusing mediocrity as excellence. That means resisting the temptation to shroud ordinary effort with a veil of congratula­tory silk. Even if it sparkles of conviction and glimmers with justificat­ion, its inherent value won’t be increased. Take another look at something that seems good. It isn’t necessaril­y what’s best.

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Scientists and mystics agree about the concept of time: it’s not linear. Yet that’s how we all understand it. We know that mornings come first, and afternoons follow them, and that tomorrow is after today. The journey through life feels chronologi­cal. But for all we know, time is actually a circle. Or a spiral. Or maybe all moments are happening at exactly the same time. Sorry to be so baffling, but I mention this because as the Sun is about to enter your sign, you have the power to fastforwar­d an aspect of your future.

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Planet Earth is truly an astonishin­gly beautiful and miraculous place. So too, are the creatures that live on it — even the humans. Due to our ability to recognise the wonderfuln­ess in ourselves, others and the world around us, some people say that we’re the most wonderful beings of all. But do we really appreciate the natural talents we possess? We often tend to get caught up in crazy notions and irrelevant fears. By being who you were born to be, you can have a positive effect on your world today.

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We love explanatio­ns. We enjoy hearing them, carefully considerin­g them and then deciding whether or not we’re going to accept them. We’re far happier when given an explanatio­n (even one that makes little sense) than being told that we need to accept a situation without questionin­g it. Yet, few explanatio­ns make as much sense as their promoters wish they did, and most can be easily undermined by a determined critic. You’ve been all but talked out of a key belief. As the Sun prepares to change signs, it brings a renewal of faith.

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We don’t deliberate about whether we intend to wake up in the morning; even though we know we shouldn’t take the gift of life for granted, we just expect that it will happen. We certainly don’t see waking up as a matter over which we have much influence. There is, of course, a degree of choice regarding the time we set our alarms, but, apart from that, waking from sleep is just one of those things that happens without input from us. A positive change is about to occur in your life through a similarly natural process.

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Our minds are incredibly powerful. When we choose to, we can convince ourselves of anything. The trouble is we can get so worked up about issues we care about that our view of what’s happening around us becomes warped. We bend our experience­s to fit our perspectiv­e, and this can be dangerous. Yet, sometimes we can use our power to miraculous­ly manifest a dream into being. As the Sun prepares to move into a new celestial home, it encourages you to create a surprising­ly tangible opportunit­y.

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“I’m sitting on top of the world, I’m rolling along, yes, rolling along. And I’m quitting the blues of the world, I’m singing a song.” It’s hard to believe that this lyric was written nearly 100 years ago. The fact that it has stood the test of time testifies to the composer’s inherent gift for seeing and sharing heartfelt, genuine emotions. You share that gift too. With Jupiter, and Neptune in your sign, if you speak from the heart, act from it and follow your intuition, you’ll find that life provides you with reasons to sing this song.

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