The Chronicle




7. Summarised (13)

8. Concerning (8)

9. Fill to satisfacti­on (4)

10. Samples (6)

12. Serious (6)

14. Tasteless or shoddy items (3)

15. Slander (6)

17. Bribe (6)

19. Misplaced (4)

21. Settled (8)

23. Imprudent (3-10)


1. Explode (8)

2. Attic (6)

3. Short dress (4)

4. Proposes (8)

5. Maiden (6)

6. Encounter (4)

11. Guiding (8)

13. Killer (8)

16. Assault (6)

18. Faith (6)

20. Solely (4)

22. Narrow opening (4)


Across: 1. Thwarted 7. Blame 8. Attribute 9. Pip 10. Ache 11. Vanity 13. Turn the corner 15. Stingy 16. Aged 18. Oil 20. Energetic 21. Gloss 22. Ascended.

Down: 1. Tiara 2. Watcher 3. Raid 4. Educated guess 5. Happy 6. Despair 7. Benison 12. Strives 13. Through 14. Negated 15. Sloop 17. Diced 19. Ogre.

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