The Chronicle




1. A girl’s Christian name (9)

6. Found a newt in the left luggage (3)

8. Get Tom to produce a maxim (5) 9,12ac & 7dn. The conductor will go in boots and all to remove the big ox beside the brass section (4,3,4,2,3,5)

10. Someone who slouches in a reefer, or just a common commodity, skin and all (6,6)

12. See 9

13. Returned to dine with her other half or is Noddy telling stories? (6)

16. Venus is, for one and gets Gerard to grin (12)

19. I belong, somehow, to lower class (7)

20. Goodnight to the girl we sing about (5)

21. Born on the first of November with ease (3)

22. Reverent rig Louise concocted (9)


1. The animal arrived but was left out (4)

2. Traitor following for hair piece (3-4)

3. None of this part when riding horseback, Bros (5,8)

4. Entirely Roman (2,4)

5. Wink in gal code indicating recognitio­n of signal (13)

6. “Kleenex” tradename has just that little bit more (5)

7. See 9 Across

11. Robot “Ian” turned out to be a disaster (8)

14. Cherub seen in telegraph office to get citrus fruit? (7)

15. 1984? By George! (6)

17. Tightly stretched camping equipment by the sound of it (5)

18. Could be his monocle (4)

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