The Chronicle

Warning to kids


I HAVE an important message for the kids of Toowoomba.

If you come from a family where your parents are dealing in or using drugs just to make ends meet, and trying to get you involved as well, you need to get out of there as quickly as you can.

There are some support organisati­ons in Toowoomba that can help you get a good start in life, like YellowBrid­ge Queensland, who provide housing for disadvanta­ged young people.

It is for your own good that you establish your independen­ce as soon as you can, because the dependent child of today is destined to become the dependent parent of tomorrow if you don’t at least try to gain some self reliance.

Fortunatel­y I had good parents who taught me the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug addiction from a young age, and to this day I have never indulged in these bad habits and never will.


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