The Chronicle




1. Saw Mick Jagger chuck something from the stage – but it didn’t go far (1,6,5)

7. Cocaine comes strangely from the sea (7)

8. Disassembl­e? No – not suitable (5)

9. A Swiss old lady too, so to speak (alternativ­e spelling) (5)

10. Speech venue (7)

12. Instrument publicatio­ns (6)

14. Goes up around the room (6)

17. Left over on French addition (7)

19. Soyas? – If you like (3-2)

21. Mother Alma? (5)

22. Leaves of aloe, & fig for example (7)

23. Alice, Owen & Dan went for a tour around the Island (3,9)


1. No trick from the reproduced “Rocky Mountains” but artist unknown (9)

2. Rated footstep (5)

3. Anne & Ken are material people (7)

4. Ben leaves the tumble-down balconies for the party (6)

5. Dog dog (5)

6. Syncopate to be a little different (7)

11. The characters definitely don’t clean up their act or acting (4,5)

13. A twist of the neck? (7)

15. Made a one off move on the board (7)

16. Handy if you handle it when not empty reportedly (6)

18. Beverly, Rick and Sam partly reel off a short poem (5)

20. Desire what y’make (5)

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