The Chronicle



TOOWOOMBA BAKER AND A DIRTY YARD At the Police Court, Toowoomba, on Tuesday, before Mr W. Harris PM, Alfred E.L. Mason, of Brisbane, an Inspector under the Health Act, proceeded, against Michael P----- a baker, of Hill street, Newtown, for a breach of the Health Act, in having bread intended for sale exposed to flies. Mr L. W. Groom (Messrs Groom and Lavers), appeared for the prosecutio­n. Defendant pleaded guilty. Mr Groom, in addressing the Bench, said that, the case was a particular­ly bad one, and he asked for the maximum fine of £20. The complainan­t, he said, was an inspector of the Queensland Health Department. On December 8th, about 4.45pm, he visited defendant’s premises in Hill Street, and proceeded to the bakehouse at the rear. He saw the defendant, who admitted that he was the proprietor. The flies were numerous in the bake-house, and the door opened on a very dirty yard. An out-house, 50 feet from the bake-house, was in a filthy condeeitio­n, and filth also scattered about the yard. In the inspector’s opinion the case was one of the most serious that had come before the Department. In answer to the Police Magistrate, Mr Groom stated that the inspector visited the place on December 8th, and gave defendant verbal notice to have it cleaned. On the following day he visited the place, and found a very poor attempt to comply with the instructio­ns.

The Police Magistrate imposed a fine of £5, with £2/2 profession­al costs and 3/6 costs of court, to be paid within ten days. The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser, January 24, 1914

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