The Chronicle

My freedom is priceless


for more SOPHIA Llewellyn has undertaken freelance writing projects Sydney home than 330 clients in 27 countries, while working from her and travelling throughout Europe and Southeast Asia.

France and In coming months, the 26-year-old will visit Spain, Italy, for while she is Portugal and has already arranged several work projects away. that I cherish “The freedom that my job has granted me is something in and see as priceless,’’ says Llewellyn, who holds degrees communicat­ions and internatio­nal studies. writer and “I have loved spending the last five years as a freelance to embracing a more nomadic lifestyle. I have been introduced and travel can a wonderful array of cultures and attitudes to life. Work state of novelty complement one another. When travelling, you are in a as a person both and, to some extent, discomfort, and that extends you personally and profession­ally.’’

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