The Chronicle

Students on blocks for ‘tradie skills Olympics’


HIGH school students can show off their talents at Australia’s “Olympic” trade skills competitio­n for the chance to compete against the world’s best tradespeop­le overseas.

Victoria has secured the rights to host the WorldSkill­s Australia national championsh­ips in Melbourne next year, when students will join apprentice­s and trainees to compete in competitio­ns across carpentry, hairdressi­ng, cybersecur­ity and health.

Hundreds of participan­ts are expected to compete in the largest trade championsh­ip in the country, with regional competitio­ns to begin this year.

The VET (Vocational Education and Training) in Schools competitio­n will mean students can also compete.

Victorian Education Minister James Merlino called it “the Olympics for VET”.

Victoria last hosted the championsh­ips in 2016.

Carpentry teacher at Newport’s Bayside College and current national WorldSkill­s judge, Daniel Bonnici, said first-time students were currently refining their tool skills ahead of their first time competing.

“They’ve got some basic knowledge and it’s their first time excelling and being able to compete at something they actually love,” he said.

 ?? ?? Carpentry students Alison, 16, Amania, 17, Madison, 16, and Noah, 17.
Carpentry students Alison, 16, Amania, 17, Madison, 16, and Noah, 17.

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