The Chronicle

Labor vows to restore our dying ecosystems


ALMOST one-third of Australia’s land and oceans would be protected by 2030 under a major regulatory overhaul to replenish the health of the natural world.

Environmen­t Minister Tanya Plibersek has vowed to restore Australia’s ecosystems from their state of decline by making “fundamenta­l reform” to the country’s environmen­tal laws and creating new national parks.

Ms Plibersek announced Labor’s new conservati­on commitment­s as she unveiled the 2021 State of the Environmen­t report at the National Press Club on Tuesday.

“Our government will set a goal of protecting 30 per cent of our land and 30 per cent of our oceans by 2030,” she said. “We’ll explore the creation of new national parks and marine protected areas including by pursuing the east Antarctic marine park.”

A “disturbing” environmen­tal report card “kept hidden” by the previous government has painted a grim picture of a natural world in decline.

Ms Plibersek said the fiveyearly scientific assessment made for “disturbing reading”, and told a story of crisis for Australia’s environmen­t after a “decade of government inaction and wilful ignorance”.

Her predecesso­r in the portfolio Sussan Ley received the report in December and ignored calls to release it before the federal election.

“(This report) says that our environmen­t is in a poor state and it’s getting worse,” she said. “If we don’t change the laws and the systems that we have to protect it, that decline will continue.”

Ms Plibersek has been given the task of overseeing the reformatio­n of Australia’s environmen­tal laws and remedying species loss while being in charge of signing off on new coal and gas projects.

She may come under pressure over the Albanese government’s handling of the transition away from the fossil fuel industry, given it has for so long been a mainstay of the Australian economy to the detriment of the natural environmen­t.

She told the ABC last month there needed to be an “accommodat­ion” between addressing climate change and growing a strong economy, after she was asked how Labor could simultaneo­usly support gas fracking and environmen­tal conservati­on.

 ?? ?? Tanya Plibersek.
Tanya Plibersek.

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