The Chronicle

Mates on way to Ukraine

Veterans bringing supplies for animals


TWO Aussie veterans are on their way to the Polish border with more than $300,000 worth of much-needed food, medication, and winter supplies for animals impacted by the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Australian War Animal Memorial Organisati­on founder and president Nigel Allsopp, who is a retired police dog handler, and Toowoomba man Peter Kotzur will meet fellow volunteers in Poland to help people who are fleeing the conflict zone with their animals.

They are travelling with a shipping container full of goods that will be distribute­d by non-profit animal welfare organisati­ons delivering aid working in Ukraine.

Mr Allsopp, who has also worked as a zookeeper and elephant handler, said he acted after watching news reports of animals starving to death in zoos and farms.

“One of the areas we want to focus on is a large sanctuary for bears,” he said.

“These bears have been taken off people who had kept them captive, put rings in through their noses and forced them to dance.

“Sadly, the sanctuary was bombed by Russians.

“The surviving bears are very friendly but are loose in the wild and some of them are starving to death.”

Mr Allsopp added that countless dogs had been made homeless alongside their owners and pointed to a report of one woman carrying her German Shepherd 20km across the border to get help.

“We hope to be there at the Polish border and give (refugees) new leads, bowls, bedding, food, and medical aid,” he said.

About two thirds of the pet supplies were donated by Petstock, while another company paid for the container and the shipping fees and RSL is covering Mr Allsopp’s airfare.

The shipping container arrived in Poland on September 16 after leaving the Port of Melbourne in mid-July.

The AWAMO is also raising money to purchase fodder for zoos and animal sanctuarie­s once Mr Allsopp and Mr Kotzur arrive in Poland.

Member for Toowoomba South David Janetzki MP congratula­ted the AWAMO for their mammoth effort gathering more than $300,000 worth of donations.

“It is heartening to see this small group of animal-lovers amass an entire shipping container full of donations for animals impacted by the invasion of Russia into Ukraine,” Mr Janetzki said.

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