The Chronicle



Yesterday we talked about a sense of justice being key to understand­ing what to do for the best in this unusual cosmic climate. As we approach the Equinox, when the hours of light and dark are equal and the Sun moves into Libra (the sign of the scales) the cosmos encourages us to seek harmonious solutions to our problems. The influence of the Cosmic Boomerang brings moments of inspiratio­n and liberation. If we focus on imbalanced or unjust situations, we can draw on past experience­s to find fair solutions.


You’re not what people call convention­al. You see things differentl­y. And you do things differentl­y too. Some folk struggle to understand that. They even consider you to be a bit of a rebel. But that doesn’t make you wrong. You make mistakes, of course… you’re only human. But you learn from them, just like almost everyone else. It isn’t right, fair or helpful to judge yourself by someone else’s standards today. Keep doing what you’re doing… because this powerful cosmic climate encourages others to see how valuable you are. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Things get a bit intense around this time of year. It’s to do with the change of season. And to do with the Equinox. Your mood begins to alter and your mind gets clearer. You feel ready to fix any issues you’ve been putting up with. You’re no longer willing to be backed into a corner or trapped by unsatisfac­tory situations. Your easy-going nature becomes more determined. You start to move goalposts and rewrite rulebooks. Some years, you make a few little adjustment­s. This year, you’re ready to take a bold step. You won’t regret it.

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We haven’t quite reached the Equinox; the bi-annual balancing process that affects the entire planet. And, if we choose, we can ignore the symbolism of the days being of equal length to the nights. Yet if you stop rushing around, and take a moment to stop to think about how this leveling of light and dark might affect you, you’ll see an indication that something unfair, somewhere in your world, is changing, in a positive way. You’ve been putting up with an unsatisfac­tory situation for a while. Now, it’s about to be put right.

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Most kids, when they watch Aladdin, ask why he doesn’t use his third wish to ask for three more wishes. At least, though, he was (almost uniquely among wish-fulfilment fairy stories) sensible enough to use his wishes responsibl­y. Other characters seem to fritter them away on this or that in a meaningles­s, aimless way. The current cosmic climate offers you a chance to be more Aladdin. So, make the most of your time, your energy, and your resources. Focus on what matters. Then, do everything you can to achieve it.

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Although it’s impossible to be sure that we’re doing the right thing, we know, with certainty, when we’re doing the wrong one. We all have habits and patterns that we do because they’re easy. They might not be especially good for us… but we can’t find the effort or the willpower to create a change. The coming Equinox extends an invitation to you. If you try, you can create a better balance between the positive and negative factors in your world. It’s time to free yourself from an old mindset. And replace it with a positive one.

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Are you blessed with superpower­s? Or are you a saint? If the answer to either of these questions is ‘no’, then why try to follow the same sort of protocol demonstrat­ed by these kind of superhuman­s? Well, one answer might be that you’re gifted with rare and precious abilities. On a good day, it’s almost as if your cape’s whipping in the wind and your halo’s glowing. When you do your very best you really do seem to be able to work miracles. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. There’s too much good to be done for that today.

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We’re approachin­g the Equinox: one of the two moments in each year when day and night are of equal length. These aren’t the only natural forces that are now, potentiall­y, in a state of better balance. Wherever there’s an injustice in your life, or an unfair situation, there’s an opportunit­y to straighten it out. You might not be able to make everything perfect. But you can at least see the difference between a situation that’s annoying and one that’s really problemati­c. Your sense of perspectiv­e is your greatest asset. Nurture it.

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I’d like to point out that the great Louis Armstrong didn’t sing about a sensible world. When you think about it, our pragmatic daily occupation­s are rarely the topic of great songs. We prefer to be regaled with stories of love and passion rather than the washing-up and missed trash collection­s. The coming Equinox marks an annual moment of rebalancin­g. It also heralds the arrival of the Sun in your sign. It’s time for you to correct an inequality that errs too far on the side of caution. If you find you find yourself being spontaneou­s, get creative.

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It’s almost the Equinox; when the days and nights are balanced. And, when the light equals the dark, the balance between hope and fear can shift too. The cosmic energy invites us all to look at what we’ve got too much (or not enough) of. One factor in your life has become repressive. You want to be free from a disagreeab­le situation. But you don’t have to remove it from your world forever. You just need to limit the extent to which you take it so seriously. Somehow, you can find a way to see the lighter, brighter side of it today.

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What makes you so confident that things are going to get better? Where’s your evidence? Or are you just going on gutinstinc­t, and encouragin­g words from your astrologer? Other people might call ‘gut-instinct’ unfounded optimism! And maybe I’m talking to some other Cancerian? Well, I’m not. You’ve got faith in the future - and you’re absolutely right to have it. As we approach the Equinox, more hard evidence of the good things in store will begin to slot into place. When you’re confident about what lies ahead, you’ll start to make it a reality.Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


Today’s question is about what matters to you. Of course, everybody will have different answers. We all prioritise different things - and it would be arrogant to imagine that what’s important to someone else is important to you. And when something doesn’t interest us, it’s almost impossible to prioritise it – even if someone you value wants you to do just that. The coming Equinox helps you see a situation from someone else’s perspectiv­e. And, since they matter to you, you might just find that you’re able to change your priorities. Free audio and video forecasts. Go to


We spend too long pondering what to do and not enough time doing it. We’re so worried about the whats, the hows, the whys, and the wherefores that, if we’re not careful, opportunit­ies pass us by. It’s okay, we tell ourselves, if it were meant to be, it would have been. Something better will come along. And sometimes, we’re right. But we never know for sure. The coming Eclipse brings a boost of confidence and energy your way. Focus less on what could happen, and make sure that what can happen, does.

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