The Chronicle



WHEN Table Top’s name is changed, it won’t be long before locals are banned from climbing it, or charged to do.

Pessimisti­c Peter, Toowoomba

UNTIL all Australian­s are treated the same, regardless of race and colour, there will always be division. The only change needed to the constituti­on is all Australian­s are treated the same with rules, benefits, opportunit­ies etc. We are all Australian­s and it is time race and colour is put to bed and we all embrace the fact we are all together as Australian­s. DR, Hflds

JO, TOOWOOMBA, a gift is only a gift if it is given. The Koh-i-Noor was taken by the British when they took control of the Punjab in 1849. Of course India should be able to ask to have it returned.

LH, Torrington

WHY are doctors reluctant to request antibody levels on patients who’ve had Covid? Surely statistics are important and hopefully being done. Maybe AHPRA is trying to silence doctors still. Nurse

DAVE Fredricks, can you please stop writing your scare mongering with the climate change rubbish. Look at Germany, UK. Stop hanging on to the coat tails of Greta’s delusional fits of hysteria. Accept God’s weather and the truth. The seasons will remain not change. Jimb, C Heights

UNIVERSITY student unions are an insult to civilised society and should be abolished now. Dave, Twmba

BORIS, you need to get to the 21st century, the technology is now available to recycle to 99%. PG, Twba

GREAT suggestion to name Toowoomba’s proposed new hospital after our late Queen. BG, Harristown

MY SUGGESTION for a statue in her honour is to have a corgi at her feet. JD East Toowoomba

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