The Chronicle

A great wall of sniggers at political games


HAS the world really gone mad? It’s a legitimate question to ponder, and in no particular order, let’s dissect a few of the worldly challenges doing the rounds. First up, let’s talk China, that socalled “developing’’ nation that is building 10,000km of roads a year, produces 30 per cent of the world’s greenhouse emissions and is assembling the strongest military presence ever seen.

They lumped us with Covid-19, which has killed 6.6 million people, and caused trillions of dollars in economic damage. They then got the shits because we asked them how it happened, so we could avoid a repetition, and as they accused us of lacking respect, imposed draconian trade sanctions.

Naughty Australia. Now they’re buying off countries in the South Pacific, beefing up their military assertiven­ess and all while our own defence capability is more akin to a game of Cowboys and Indians, with a few bow and arrows at our disposal.

Yet we play this stupid charade of trying to engage with them, letting them off the hook on greenhouse emission targets, while we close down coal-fired power stations to chase a renewable energy fantasy that will ultimately plunge us into darkness.

Weak-at-the knee politician­s like the Greens and Teals have seized upon a class of voter who they’ve brainwashe­d into believing that they will save the planet, all while the “developing’’ China sniggers behind our back. In rich countries like Germany, the United States and the UK, energy policies designed to make fossil fuels expensive are doing exactly that and it means an upcoming bleak winter.

There are reports some German manufactur­ers may have to shut down in the colder months because they can’t afford their power bills.

Yet 75 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions will come from “developing’’ nations like China, India and Africa.

For the wealthy countries – how long they remain wealthy is a burning question – it just means higher power bills and stunted economic growth to achieve tiny changes in temperatur­es. And all the while, China sniggers.

Now, this is a beauty. Rather than terrorists being allowed to flourish and prosper among themselves in Australia, the federal government is going to import ISIS brides. Remember ISIS? They’re the terrorists who behead those that don’t agree with them. You can’t make this up.

And finally, the Essendon football club gets the gold star for confirming the notion that the world truly has gone mad by sacking its newly appointed CEO, Andrew Thorburn, because .. drumroll … he is a Christian.

Even the Romans were not that unforgivin­g. Victorian premier Daniel Andrews threw gasoline on the flames, saying Thorburn’s church were bigots.

When he was NAB boss, Thorburn sponsored LBGTQ events.

The world has gone mad because we, as Aussies, have allowed it to. Voting for cowardly politician­s will do that.

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