The Chronicle

Scott Pape



Hi Scott,

This is the third or fourth time I have written. I appreciate your principles are sound, however every column has a feel-good news story and none explain the backbone of how they made something happen. If someone doesn’t have a spare penny to feed their kids and is living hand to mouth ... how can they suddenly start “doing the barefoot” with different accounts? I am not thick, but I am struggling to find the obviously missing piece.


Hi Linda,

Here’s a clue: almost every single feel-good news story starts off saying something like: “I read your book, followed the Barefoot Steps, and then things slowly turned around for me.”

The starting point of the Barefoot Steps is to go on a date night, set up your buckets, and get $2000 in a Mojo account as soon as possible, even if it means selling your cat on eBay.


Hi Scott,

I appreciate you like CreditSavv­y, but I think you are being harsh on Equifax, who provide a similar (identical?) facility. And you make it sound like if Optus offered you MILLIONS, you would say “No thanks, I am a good company”. For full disclosure, I work for Equifax.


Hi Jono

Am I being too harsh? I don’t think so. After all, in 2017 Equifax suffered one of the largest cybercrime breaches in history with the private records of 147.9 million Americans and 15.2 million Brits compromise­d.

The reason I suggested people use CreditSavv­y (owned by Commbank), is because they offer a free and simple way to lock down your credit file, which will stop scammers from running up credit in your name.

After years of paying for an

Equifax subscripti­on to monitor my credit file, I found a way of putting a lock on it, for free. That’s why I shared the details with my readers. It’s a good deal, especially in light of all the hacks going on. Including your own!


Hey Scott,

Six years ago my partner purchased his first home for $340,000, with his two brothers. He pitched in $26,000 along with his first homebuyer’s perks. His brothers put in $15,000 and $3000. Since then, they have all paid the same amount each week to pay down the mortgage quicker. The house is now worth a (conservati­ve) $800,000. The area where the house is located is on the rise, so my partner doesn’t want to sell anytime soon.

However, the brother who put in $3000 wants to sell up, and thinks he is entitled to a third, despite it being obvious he isn’t. (At one stage he didn’t even make his share of the mortgage repayments for a year.) The whole situation is messy and stressful, and it may be what breaks the family apart. I think my partner should cut him loose and buy out his share, but what is he really entitled to?


Hi Sharon,

What a mess!

You’ve just described the reason I strongly advise against going into debt with family members. Even though the investment has done great, everyone is miserable!

At the very least you need to have a written agreement from the start. For me, it’s “Bros over Ho(me)s”. If I were in your shoes, I’d do the following:

First, I’d suggest that it’s time everyone went their separate ways with this investment.

Second, I’d commit to selling the property. I don’t care if you think it’s going higher, the fact is it’s got bad family juju (a non-financial term), and if you keep it (and buy out the others) it’ll serve as a constant reminder to them of the deal. If it goes well and the property goes up, they’ll feel they’ve missed out. And even if it goes down, they’ll still hold a grudge.

Third, I’d appoint someone independen­t, perhaps your parents’ accountant or a conveyance­r, to broker a deal (which would include dealing gently but firmly with the entitled brother).

Lastly, don’t take your eyes off the prize: the most important asset here that needs to be protected is the family relationsh­ip, not the property.


Hi Scott!

Remember me? I wrote to you a while back and you shared my story “$32,000 couch”. I wanted to update you. Not only did your advice see me lose ALL my debt but following your advice and doing the Barefoot Steps I am now getting closer and closer to buying my first house. As I write this with tears in my eyes, from the bottom of my heart I thank you! This single mum feels so capable and so excited about what more is to come. You are truly a star in my eyes.


Hi Sandy

I remember you! Well done for following the Barefoot Steps. And it’s also the reason that I’ve written a companion pdf to the original book, Beyond Barefoot: The Next Chapter. I’ll be sending out a sneak peek on Monday for people who sign up to my email newsletter on barefootin­

DISCLAIMER: Informatio­n and opinions provided in this column are general in nature and have been prepared for educationa­l purposes only. Always seek personal financial advice tailored to your specific needs before making financial and investment decisions. Informatio­n and opinions provided in this column are general in nature and have been prepared for educationa­l purposes only. Always seek personal financial advice tailored to your specific needs before making financial and investment decisions

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