The Chronicle



The computer mouse was patented today in 1970, but it was Apple’s 1983 Lisa computer that popularise­d its use. Now, thanks to touchscree­n technology, the future of this simple device is looking less bright. It took thousands of years to go from scythe to combine harvester, but these days fundamenta­l technologi­cal tools come and go in the blink of an eye. It’s hard to keep up. The Sun’s involvemen­t with Pluto and Jupiter ensures a necessary transforma­tion will be easier than we think.


There’s a famous ancient prayer, known as The Prayer of St Francis of Assisi, with the lines: “where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith, where there is despair, hope”. Far be it from me to sow doubt, but modern researcher­s can’t find evidence of it existing before it appeared in a magazine 100 years ago, yet does it matter who wrote these beautiful words? Hope, faith and love have the power to change the world. The cosmos is encouragin­g you to be your best self today.

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LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

Once upon a time, you didn’t exist. Then you did, and here you are today. In fact, you’ll continue to exist for quite some time until, eventually, you cease to be once more, and the whole process will come full circle. If this wasn’t the case for every single human being on Earth, you’d be right to feel aggrieved. But we’ve all signed the same terms and conditions. So why do we take it all so seriously? And why do we cling to our rigid attitudes? Go with the flow and chase what makes you happy today. Life’s too short not to have fun.

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One of the difficulti­es of life on this spinning ball of rock is that you just can’t do anything without it leading to something. Every action we take produces a reaction. Even when we don’t seem to be getting anywhere, this is an inescapabl­e truth. You might not be getting the results you want right now. But your efforts are still creating changes (which you can’t quite see) and possibilit­ies (that will soon start to manifest). As Mercury (intellect) joins Venus (love) in your sign, you’re about to be able to create excitement.

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It’s said that diagnosis is half the cure, and while it’s true that you’re confident you know a lot about the issues that aren’t working in your world, there’s a real possibilit­y that you don’t know as much as you need to know. Or maybe you know too much, so that you’re conscious of so many aspects that you’re struggling to discern what’s important from what’s just annoying. Some clarity would go a long way towards helping you solve a problem. Thankfully, as Mercury joins your ruler in a new sign, that’s what’s coming your way.

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If it were possible to go back in time and have a conversati­on with the person you were back then, what would you say? Would you actually listen? Suppose, one day in the future, you wanted to get a message back to yourself as you are right now. Let’s give it a try: suspend your doubts and listen to what tomorrow’s you wants to say to you now. Can you hear words of comfort and encouragem­ent? As your ruler joins Venus in a new sign, in your heart of hearts, you already know what advice you need. Trust and follow it.

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Back in the old days, when we only had law courts and judges, people on trial were innocent until proven guilty. How it’s changed. Nowadays, in our multimedia world, where we don’t know what’s fake news (and what’s not) we have to be careful not to jump to conclusion­s that fit with our paradigms (and our newsfeeds). It would be easy, right now, to view a situation in a black and white way. Why not just agree with what everyone else thinks? But you know better. You also know that you must do the right thing.

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We know the Big Bang was big... the question is, how big? Well, as there was no universe before it, surely that means there can be no point of comparison. Everything, no matter its size, would have seemed either enormous or minuscule. Besides, as the culminatio­n of a larger, more extensive process, the Big Bang is surely just one episode in the extraordin­ary story of our universe. Power, size and strength aren’t always desirable qualities. The best things, as you’ll see today, sometimes come in small packages.

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Board games, computer games, party games... We love playing them, we love watching other people play them, and we also like disagreein­g on how to play them. Some people, after all, play slightly different versions of the same game, something that doesn’t always become apparent until one player has stormed to victory on the back of what the other person considers to be cheating. If you find yourself facing such a situation in the real world today, feel free to bend the rules a little. It’s time to start improvisin­g.

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If you were to catch me in an unguarded moment today, I’d tell you that you’re about to receive an exciting gift. Yet, since I’m conscious that this might lead you to expect financial gains, expensive watches, glitzy cars, or fancy houses, I need to choose my words with care. I’m not talking about presents, beautifull­y wrapped in extravagan­t paper, with sumptuous bows and luxurious ribbons. It could be something as simple as feeling comfortabl­e in your own skin. But that is a gift that will, in time, produce many more.

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We often hear people say that life’s too short to get stressed and anxious. Actually, it’s not. If we were all certain of being around for a century or two, we’d probably learn not to let things make us angry, frustrated or upset. We’d find peaceful ways to sort out disagreeme­nts and have enough experience to deal with our uncomforta­ble feelings. It’s because life’s short that we don’t have time to refine those aspects of our personalit­ies. But it’s not so short that we can’t start that work. Be the kindest, wisest person you can be today.

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Put one foot after the other. Knit one stitch at a time. The best things in life rarely happen in a heartbeat. We need to invest effort and energy over a period of time. We need to make a commitment and dedicate ourselves. We need to focus and be prepared to repeat the same processes. Of course, you’d like to find a shortcut to your desired destinatio­n, and there’s always a chance one will appear. But, as long as you’re prepared to keep going, the road ahead is perfectly traversabl­e, and you can make good progress today.

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It’s often the case that the things life brings our way which have the wow factor eventually turn out to be a bit disappoint­ing. They’re nowhere near as satisfying as the tastes we learn to acquire, or the results we work hard to achieve. You’re right to sense that an opportunit­y is coming your way. But if you’re expecting to be treated to a life-changing, momentous experience, you’re looking out for the wrong kind of opportunit­y. Watch out for something subtle yet significan­t. It’s the start of the change you’re longing to see.

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