The Chronicle

‘I’ll flog your family’

Dad sent back to jail after threats breach parole

- Michael Nolan

A Toowoomba father of four will serve the balance of a fouryear jail sentence after he breached a domestic violence protection order by threatenin­g to harm his ex-partner’s family.

The 39-year-old man appeared in the Toowoomba Magistrate­s Court on Monday by videolink to plead guilty to one count of breaching a protection order and two lesser drug offences.

The court was told police had been called to a Toowoomba home on February 15 where they found the man inside his ex-partner’s home, despite a protection order being in place between the pair.

Police prosecutor Julia Wheaton told the court the man had a long history of domestic violence, which included receiving a four-year jail term in 2019.

“Police observed the defendant in the dwelling, and he was seen to conceal a clip-seal bag in his pants,” Senior Sergeant Wheaton said.

Police arrested the man and found him in possession of a small amount of cannabis and a used syringe.

The court was told the defendant had participat­ed in an interview with police.

“He indicated he attended (the woman’s) address, and things had gotten a little heated, he stated there had been no physical allocation, but admitted that he got verbally abusive towards her and threatened to flog her family,” Senior Sergeant Wheaton said.

Defence lawyer Ryan McCullough said the relationsh­ip between the woman and his client was toxic.

He added that while drugs were “a flavour in the offending” his client was not someone who had a history of committing drug offences.

“He wholeheart­edly accepted he can’t make the threats that he did,” he said.

“When he is released he wants to move to Hervey Bay, where he has an uncle who will give him work cleaning boats.”

Magistrate Kay Ryan noted that the man’s parole had been cancelled and he would likely have to serve all of the time left on his prior jail sentence.

She sentenced the man to a four-month jail term, to be served concurrent­ly.

“Your behaviour while there, particular­ly the threats, was extremely concerning,” Ms Ryan said.

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