The Chronicle

‘Extreme’ group is targeting all SUVs

- Alex Blair

A radical movement purporting to save the world from climate change has declared war on SUV owners, encouragin­g the public to actively sabotage cars in the street.

The Tyre Extinguish­ers is a guarded organisati­on that has built a global following in recent months, attracting what some have described as “extremist” activists who want to rid the roads of these “massive and unnecessar­y” vehicles.

The group’s manifesto says activists should “inconvenie­nce and expense SUV owners” by deflating their tyres wherever possible.

“SUVs are bigger and heavier than other cars, they are more polluting and use more fuel,” the group’s website reads.

“This makes them a disaster for our climate. Internatio­nal Energy Agency researcher­s were shocked in 2019 to find that SUVs are the second-largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade – more than shipping, aviation, heavy industry and even trucks.”

Tyre Extinguish­ers has even released a pamphlet and stickers instructin­g budding saboteurs how to deflate a tyre.

The group regularly posts images of self-proclaimed vigilantes at work, deflating tyres under cover of darkness.

“Our aim is to make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4x4 in the world’s urban areas,” the leaflet reads. “To do that, we need people everywhere deflating 4x4 tyres, week-in, week-out.”

The group stresses that people should “work under the cover of darkness” to avoid getting caught.

The group first appeared in the UK in March 2022, and has since spread to other countries, including Australia, Germany, France, Spain, the Netherland­s, and the US.

Some people have praised the group for its commitment to taking action on climate change. Others have criticised the group for its vandalism.

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