The Chronicle

Review for live export conditions


MINISTER for Agricultur­e David Littleprou­d has announced the terms of reference for the review into sheep exports to the Middle East during the northern summer.

Mr Littleprou­d said the review would consider informatio­n including scientific literature, outcomes of recent voyages and reports from observers.

“The review will consider stocking density on ships, bedding and animal waste management, ventilatio­n and heat stress risk,” he said.

“It will also consider and evaluate the potential use of air-conditione­rs, and conditions placed on recent voyages, which includes the independen­t observer employed by the Department of Agricultur­e.

“The review will identify any improvemen­ts in how the current standards can be administer­ed or executed.

“The review will also consider the number and skills of the crew in managing animal health and welfare, contingenc­y planning and reporting.

“Transparen­cy builds trust. We need to let the light shine in. It’s important we get this trade right for our farmers.”

For more informatio­n visit www.agricultur­

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