The Free Press (Corowa)

Medical facility’s positive feedback


Corowa Medical Clinic has received much favourable feedback and excitement about plans to have constructi­on of a new, multimilli­on dollar facility approved by Federation Council.

“Quite a few of my patients have said what a great plan and that it would be good for Corowa,” Dr Ayon Guha told The Free Press. “It’s all been really positive feedback.”

The plan’s first stage, the ground floor, is expected to be completed and operationa­l by mid-2022.

A developmen­t applicatio­n for a two-storey world-class medical centre in Guy Street with conditions was unanimousl­y agreed to at Federation Council’s monthly meeting on May 19.

Believed to be close to a $4 million comprehens­ive medical and allied health facility, it is to be built on the site of the old nurses home which was demolished, with council approval, in April.

The proposed developmen­t will provide for additional medical and allied health services to the Corowa community and surroundin­g area, and will provide employment for 25 fulltime staff.

 ??  ?? Two artist impression­s of the new multi-million dollar Corowa Medical Clinic.
Two artist impression­s of the new multi-million dollar Corowa Medical Clinic.
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