The Gold Coast Bulletin

Little ears, big voices

- Alicegorma­

BANTERtime­nts that he’s overheard somewhere. Politics coming out of the mouth of anyone sub-15 is a little bit icky. Which left me with a dilemma – how to respond to my resident PM hater. There’s been so much horrible debate lately, championed by Julia’s haters – and there are many – attacking Julia the person, rather than her policies.

She’s been likened to a cow, her bottom size has been analysed on national television, as has her fashion sense, her hair, her voice and on it goes.

But I don’t want my kids think that kind of criticism okay – of anybody.

Don’t like what someone is saying? Well that’s fine. Either walk away or advise them in a civil, intelligen­t manner why you think they’re talking nonsense.

Don’t like how someone looks? Think it, don’t say it. Personal attacks are horrible, hateful and can cause people long-lasting pain and anguish.

I want my kids to enjoy the innocence of youth and be excited when they meet a politician – no matter what political team they come from.

I want them to respect the office of the Prime Minister – it’s an important, tough job that isn’t handed over to just anyone.

So from now on mummy and daddy must remain alert and remember to ‘‘think it, don’t say it’’. to is SAID to be #1 with the Apple staff for education apps. This game scrambles words in a pattern similar to a blog tag cloud. Beat the clock and find specific words before the bomb goes off and they’re all scrambled. Cool music too. Great for those 8 years and over. THIS is one of the bestsellin­g apps of all time.

says ‘‘if you and your child were stuck on a desert island with just one app, you’d want it to be this one’’. Paint the spinning wheel and see what you can create. Colour, glitter, different effects. Connect with your inner artist and share on social media. THIS game is all about physics, just don’t tell the kids. Cut the ropes and help the monster eat the lollies. Cutting different ropes has different effects. Which ropes will achieve your goal? Harder than it sounds.

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