The Gold Coast Bulletin



MY mum gave up smoking in 1969. She’s now fitter than most 89 year olds but is mighty cranky that she has just been diagnosed with smokers cough. Dont mess with your lungs. – sal4al DIE smokers, disgusting smokers, hate smokers, filthy smokers etc . . . If the biggest problem facing your life is someone else smoking consider yourself lucky or something that REALLY matters. I’m sure you all have some nasty habits of your own. Texting childish and nasty comments will do nothing. – The realist. CHAINSAW so Tas is going to stop people born after 2000 from smoking. Great idea I don’t think. What’s going to happen say in 10 years time will they still be banned when they reach 20? – James Mc RE butt out – my neighbour, in her 70’s & a chain smoker, has discovered electronic ciggies. No smell, & she chooses if she wants nicotine or not. I’m so proud of her! These cigarettes should be advertised, but I doubt the tobacco companies would allow it. – Stropp x-box. This rule cannot be allowed to creep into our society. Kids love seeing their photos on Facebook etc. don’t stop the fun for most because of an issue for a few. – Ell TEXT4U Sport. Send in your action shots of students playing sports and we will publish them . . . not if the fun police, the GCJRL, have anything to do with it! – JB WELL, well, well. Yet another incident of our over-indulged, spoilt, out of control sportspeop­le has occurred.

It never ceases to amaze me just how tolerant, cagey, sneaky and downright immoral the sporting bodies of this country are, especially if it means another win or a medal.

Another disgracefu­l situation which was well and truly kept under wraps – again – was the shameful carryings-on from certain male members of the London Olympic swimming squad, but as per usual, it was not revealed until they were all home, in order to maximise our medal tally.

It’s a crying shame you don’t show the appreciati­on, grace and dignity the true Olympians show at the London Paralympic­s. Maudie O’Brien, MAUDSLAND

 ??  ?? Kim Devine captured this image of another gorgeous Gold Coast sunrise at Palm Beach.
Kim Devine captured this image of another gorgeous Gold Coast sunrise at Palm Beach.

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