The Gold Coast Bulletin

Boyer muscles in on title


STRONGMAN: It took him something like 15 years but Fijian-born Australian Derek Boyer can finally lay claim to being the most powerful man on the planet in his age division.

Ever since the stocky Boyer first had a shot at the world powerlifti­ng titles in 1992, he has dreamt of becoming the strongest on the globe.

For 15 years he tried to attain that goal but success finally came his way when he won the Ultimate Masters World’s Strongest Man championsh­ip staged in Ireland.

‘‘I’ve now realised my childhood dream,’’ a jubilant Boyer said after 20 years of competing i nt e r - nationally.

Boyer’s results from eight plines over two days of the competitio­n were: disciIrish

Won: Carry and drag (30m run with a 100kg stone and dragging a 300kg chain and anchor). Won: Car deadlift. Second: Conan’s wheel (lifting a 300kg weighted pole and do as many walking circles as possible).

Second: Truck pull (30 tonnes of truck).

Won: Log press (17 repetition­s of lifting 130kg of timber).

Second: Repetition deadlift (272kg, completed 11 times).

Fourth: Hercules hold (holding up two 300kg pillars).

Won: Stones of strength (picking up stones and placing them on platforms in a race against the clock. The heaviest was 160kg).

Boyer moved from Fiji to Albury at the age of eight and seven years ago relocated to the Gold Coast.

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