The Gold Coast Bulletin


With EDit student reporter Jessica Armstrong Year 11 Aquinas College


“This is the study advice I wish I had when entering High School”


ORGANISATI­ON When preparing yourself for studying, make sure you know when your assignment­s or exams are and prioritise what needs to be done. Make sure you have the materials that are needed before you sit down and start working.


ASK FOR HELP If you are stuck on something, or if something doesn’t make sense, you can always ask for help. Talk to your teachers about things that you don’t understand.


FIND A PLACE TO STUDY We all have our own idea of the best place to study. Find a space that works for you. To help figure out where to set up, ask yourself: Do I prefer to study with music? Do I work better alone or with other people? Do I like to study at home or at the library?


TEST YOURSELF Instead of waiting for exam day to test your knowledge, test yourself. Ask a family member, friend or a group of friends to quiz you on the key concepts.


SLEEP. SLEEP. SLEEP. If you are tired, you will not be able to do your best. Make sure you are well rested, as this will help you achieve your study goal. When rested properly, you will be able to think more clearly.


FACE THE HARDEST SUBJECT FIRST Requiring the most effort, the most difficult task should be tackled first. Once that is completed, it will be easier to complete the rest of your work.


WRITE IT DOWN It is essential to write down every assignment, due date and task.


DO NOT DISTURB! When you’re disturbed while you’re studying you lose your train of thought. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed.


TAKE BREAKS Your brain is like a muscle. It needs exercise to make it stronger, but it can also get tired if you overwork it. Take regular breaks – five minutes every 30 minutes.


DON’T CRAM Successful students space their workout over shorter periods of time and rarely try to cram all of their studying into just one or two sessions.

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