The Gold Coast Bulletin



Flourishin­g in growing regions from Mareeba in Far North Queensland to Lismore in Northern NSW, custard apples have hit an early peak. “There’s lots of fruit around right now, and the hot summer made them super sweet,” grower Patti Stacey says. “If you’re enjoying custard apples for the first time, it’s a good idea to pick fruit that’s pale green and firm. You can let it ripen in your fruit bowl at home. Similar to avocados, ripe custard apples will give slightly when squeezed. Once ripe, custard apples can be refrigerat­ed for up to three days. When you take the fruit out of the fridge, let it sit for five minutes before eating to get the best taste.” Patti’s favourite ways to enjoy her custard apples include as a side dish for curries, an accompanim­ent to cheese or fresh on top of a salad. “You can serve a custard apple with shredded coconut and nuts on top of some cereal for a yummy breakfast, or scoop out the flesh (discarding the skin and seeds) and pop into a blender with ice cream, milk and honey for a decadent smoothie. They are best eaten fresh, as the flavour can be dulled when you heat them.”

SERVES: 4 Preparatio­n time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 8 minutes INGREDIENT­S:

● 2cm piece fresh ginger ● 1 fresh lemongrass stick ● 80g caster sugar ● 300ml water ● 4 cups custard apple segments, seeds removed

● 1/3 cup pure apple juice, no added sugar/no preservati­ves ● 2 tbsp fresh lime juice ● 1 lime, zested


1. Peel ginger, slice thinly. Bruise (lightly crush with the handle of a large knife) lemongrass and slice into rings. 2. Put sugar and water in a small heavy based saucepan. Over a low heat stir to dissolve sugar. Bring to the boil, reduce heat, and add ginger and lemongrass. Simmer for eight minutes or until syrup reduces and thickens slightly.

3. Remove from heat and cool completely. The syrup can be refrigerat­ed until needed. Strain syrup before serving.

4. Divide custard apple between four glasses. Add apple juice, zest and lime juice to cooled syrup. Pour equal amounts of syrup over custard apple and serve.

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