The Gold Coast Bulletin



P0 Box 1, Southport 4215­ulletin NATIONAL Reconcilia­tion Week is held annually on May 27 to June 3 in celebratio­n of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.

It is important to recognise that indigenous history and culture is Australian history and culture.

These dates – May 27 and June 3 – represent two major events in our nation’s reconcilia­tion journey.

This year is especially significan­t as May 27 is the 50th anniversar­y of the 1967 referendum where Australian­s voted to amend the constituti­on to include Aboriginal people in the census and allow the Commonweal­th to create laws for them.

June 3 will be the 25th anniversar­y of the Mabo decision, where the High Court decided that terra nullius should not have been applied to Australia. The landmark decision recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have rights to the land – rights that existed before the British arrived and can still exist today.

Australia’s mistreatme­nt of indigenous Australian­s is a national shame. These two cases are significan­t in our attempt to rectify our wrongdoing­s, however, our reconcilia­tion journey is far from over.

My organisati­on, Youth Off The Streets takes great pride in reconnecti­ng young indigenous Australian­s with their history and culture.

I employ Aboriginal youth workers and case workers to connect to young people and encourage them to be proud of who they are and where they come from.

This Reconcilia­tion Week I implore everyone to get involved in community reconcilia­tion events.


WHAT a “day of destructio­n” with 2.2 tonnes of seized drugs going up in smoke ( GCB, 20/5).

I’d love authoritie­s to force those responsibl­e to watch as their multi-million dollar dreams disappear before their very eyes.


THE presenter of Australia Wide on ABC TV on Sunday afternoons, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, is contraveni­ng the ABC Charter, set down by Parliament, and which requires the corporatio­n to provide informativ­e, entertaini­ng and educationa­l services that reflect the breadth of our nation.

Abdel-Magied has openly derided the commemorat­ion of Anzac Day and has also expressed her support for Islamic sharia law and the sexually violent practice of female genital mutilation.

With the continual employment of Abdel-Magied, the ABC is showing support for sexual abuse and disregard for social customs and convention­s that embody the fundamenta­l values of the Australian community.


DONALD Trump is acting more like a spoiled brat who cannot acknowledg­e his mistakes than the leader of the “free world”.

Such puerile behaviour should be viewed as a cause for concern.

The trouble too many of those who voted for him are navel gazers who haven’t a clue about the responsibi­lities their country has outside its borders.


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