The Gold Coast Bulletin



MICKY’S miraculous rescue created a media storm yesterday. Dwayne Grant imagines what might have happened if the wonder pup could talk ...

MICKY the wonder pup has gone missing yet again.

After emerging from seven nights in the Currumbin wilderness, the five-year-old American Staffy declined all media interviews before being whisked away to an undisclose­d location.

In a post on his newlylaunc­hed Instagram page, media-savvy Micky said she would not be speaking publicly until “someone throws the dog a bone”. “I don’t care who it is – 60

Minutes, Sunday Night, even that silver-haired fox Bruce Paige – I’m not barking until the price is right,” Micky wrote.

“We all know how much Aussies love a story of survival against the odds – Stuart Diver, Tony Bullimore, Daryl Somers’ television career – and trust me, mine has it all.

“I’m talking danger, bravery, tears, freezing nights, even a celebrity cameo from Glenn Lazarus. Show my main man Max the money and I’ll show you an exclusive interview.” Family sources told the

Bulletin Micky had already received a lucrative offer to appear on reality show Australian Survivor.

They declined to comment on reports he had encountere­d Schapelle Corby taking refuge in the same Currumbin gully.

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