The Gold Coast Bulletin



“The energetic young humpback whale breached over 30 times to the excitement of over 100 passengers on board,” Mr Roberston said.

Whales in Paradise owner Anthony Ardern said they have had a bumper start to the season.

He said their tours had seen humpbacks every day so far – and they seem to be in the mood to show off.

“There’s lots of breaching and tail flapping,” Mr Ardern said, adding the males had started about a month early courting females.

“(The whales are) coming through really strong.

“It’s been really good, it’s far exceeded last year’s (beginning).”

Mr Robertson said they had also seen hammerhead sharks and flying fish.

He said the humpbacks are coming in “pulses” where they formed loosely connected pods which made them easier to track.

“We’re super stoked with it and have ever increasing customer numbers,” he said.

“We’ve been seeing them about four nautical miles (7.5km) offshore.”

Spirit Whale Watching marine biologist Zara King said the whale season went for about five months each year, with most whales using the Gold Coast as a location to pass by on their trip north.

“The first sighting was confirmed as a mother with her yearling,” she said.

“Since then we have had adults and juveniles. It’s too early for mothers with new calves at this stage.”

 ??  ?? An energetic young humpback breaches 4km off Surfers Paradise on Monday during a Sea World Whale Watch tour. Picture: SEA WORLD WHALE WATCH
An energetic young humpback breaches 4km off Surfers Paradise on Monday during a Sea World Whale Watch tour. Picture: SEA WORLD WHALE WATCH

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